Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


"Nichole." I looked away from the burned ceiling of my room and at the door to find Phil standing there, dressed in a suit like always.

"What do you want?" I went back to staring up at the ceiling. As I did so I listened to Phil's footsteps as he walked into my room and the weight on my bed changed as he sat on the edge of it. We just sat there in silence, I really didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know why he was even here.

"Fury said that you were speaking with Loki." He broke the silence after awhile. "He wasn't too happy with you."

"Really? I thought he was thrilled." My voice dripped with sarcasm.

"I know you're not happy to be here but you should really be careful about who you're picking fights with. You're all supposed to be a team and from the looks of it none of the others are big fans of you." Phil told me what I already knew but I kept quiet as he continued. "Stark called you spiteful and rude, Rodgers said you're secretive and untrusting, and Romanoff describes you as idiotic and don't listen."

"What? Nothing from Thor or Bruce? No replay of Eyepatch's hate for me?" I forced myself not to let his words get to me. I knew the others weren't fans of me but I hadn't expected them to go and complain about me to SHIELD.

"Neither Thor or Banner has said anything. As for Director Fury," he stressed Eyepatch's name, "He is highly disappointed and upset with how you've been conducting yourself while aboard. At this point he's one step away from labeling you as a high level threat."

"We both know that I'm already on that list." I finally looked at him as I sat up in my bed to meet his eyes. "Everyone here had a choice of whether or not to come and join this little mission. Everyone knows everything about everyone here and know what to expect from each other. None of you know anything about me though! You think you have me labeled just like all the rest but you don't. I bet that if I'd refused to come that Eyepatch would have sent someone else on my ass to drag me here."

"That's not true," he tried to argue with me but I knew better.

"Phil, I know you meant your promise. The one to help me disappear after all of this is over, but we both know that it won't happen. They're not going to let a threat like me just disappear without a trace. As soon as I stepped on this ship I became a prisoner, just like Loki is." I could feel tears stinging at my eyes as I realized just how much truth was in my words. "So I'm sorry if I'm not going to try and become best friends with everyone here. I've tried making friends in the past and letting people in. You know where that's gotten me? I should be dead more times then I can count and the people I've trusted most have just ended up abandoning me and turning me over. I've given up on trying to find the good in people and letting them see who I am because it only leads to me getting hurt."

"When I made that promise to you I knew all of that." He admitted as he rested a hand on my shoulder. "I promise that I'll get you out of here. You've had a life that no one will probably ever understand. You've been through things that no one ever should have to go through. As long as I'm still kicking and fighting I'll make sure you get out of here."

"You don't get it though," I shook my head. "You all want us work as a team, it seems as though that's the only way we can win this and beat Loki. We're not a team though. If we were a team then Steve and Tony wouldn't be at each other's throats. People wouldn't be on edge around Bruce if we were a team. The only thing that everyone seems to agree on is that I don't belong in any of this. Even Tony is smart enough to realize that my presence here is useless and unneeded."

"Tony just thinks that because he doesn't know what you're capable of. Don't let what he says get to you, they need you more than they think." He squeezed my shoulder as he got to his feet and pulled me up with him. "Now go and do something, I'll have someone come and paint over your ceiling before Fury or Hill have a chance to see it."

"Thanks," I gave him a small smile as we both made our way back into the hall. Sure enough I looked at the floor to see footprints melted into the metal floor.

"Don't worry about it." Phil laughed as he looked down at the footprints too. We both went our separate ways and for the first time in a long time, I actually felt somewhat happy.

A/N: Hello!!! I hope anyone reading this is enjoying it :)

I probably won't be able to update again for a couple days because I'm leaving for Cleveland tomorrow for a college visit. I'll try to but no promises.

So how is your favorite Avengers character??? Mine's either Bruce or Steve, I just love Mark Ruffalo :)

Have any of you seen Maleficent or the newest Transformer movie? I saw both of them and have fallen in love. If you're planning on going to see Transformers though don't waste money going to see it in 3D like I did. It's a waste of money.


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