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Prompt - You tell Thranduil that he is to have an heir.

Warnings - cursing

A/N- Most likely to feel awkward writing this, as my boyfriend is reading this as I write it. No stress.


You begin to panic, fearing of what the results of the check-up are to be. Your symptoms are common among pregnant elleths, but they are also common among those with a horrible illness.

You hope the latter is not so, as spending nearly every waking moment in a room with a healer is boring and painful to you; you would much rather be alone in the dark for your immortality, rather than with a healer, on bedrest for days.

The healer slowly comes back into the room, smiling softly to herself. You swallow harshly. This is the moment of truth.

"Queen Y/N, it seems that you are with child," the healer says. Your eyes widen in shock. Your jaw drops, mouth agape. The healer is truthful of this, as she knows that one lie could cost her her immortality. You begin to breathe more rapidly than you should, gripping tightly onto the chair in which you sit.

The healer's smile begins to fade as she realises that you are in sheer panic, not joy. She furrows her brows and places a hand on you. She begins chanting softly, and under her touch, your breathing calms. She opens her eyes, slowly removing her hand from you. Your eyes are still wide, but your mouth is no longer agape.

You clear your throat. "Thank you, Avuriel. I suppose I'll need to return soon," you say, softly. Avuriel nods. "Yes, my Queen. It is only to ensure the health of the heir," she says. You nod, slowly rising. "Tell not one soul. If anyone hears of this, it shall be from me. I suppose I shall have to tell my husband first," you say, adding the last sentence as an afterthought.

Avuriel smiles softly, in a reassuring manner. "You may trust me, my Queen. Good luck," Avuriel says. You smile half- heartedly. "Thank you, Avuriel," you say, just before leaving the Healing Room.

As you leave the Healing Room, you are careful of being seen. The last thing you want is rumours spread. Around Mirkwood, word always reaches your husband's ears, and you would not like that to happen before you do.

You enter a main hall and move from the shadows. Now, it would seem normal for you to be about.

Upon finding your chambers, you enter the Drawing Room. You sit down at a small desk- your desk, received from Thranduil only an hour after your marriage- and find a sheet of papyrus and an inkpot. You pull out your best quill and with it, you write a small note to Thranduil, asking him to meet you in the library just before dinner.

Satisfied with your work, you call for a servant to deliver it to your husband. You fold the note twice and give it to the awaiting servant. Neatly, you place your items in their correct spot and sit near the fire in the fireplace.


You make your way to the library, preparing for the reveal of your pregnancy to Thranduil.

You nod to the guards of the library as they bow respectively. They open the thick, wooden doors of the library.

Unexpectedly, Thranduil is already there, waiting with anticipation for the reason as to why you need to meet him here before dinner. Upon hearing the doors open, Thranduil looks up, smiling as you walk gracefully toward him.

Thranduil holds his arms out and, when you're close enough, wraps them around your waist. You return the favour. He steps back and takes your small hands in his large ones, placing a delicate kiss on your knuckles. You smile slightly, enjoying this moment.

Then, you frown. Thranduil looks into your eyes and sees that you are conflicted about something. He moves to a chair, seating you across from him. You sigh, wringing your hands.

Your husband gazes softly at you, reassuring you that whatever you have to say, he will listen. You clear your throat and take  a deep breath, knowing that at some point, you'll have to begin.

At first, your mouth moves, but makes no sound; a strangled sound is the only noise you make. Then, you look into Thranduil's soft but concerned gaze and you reach out for his hand. He strokes your knuckles with his thumb, and wills you to begin.

"Thranduil, the future of our kingdom rests now within me," you say. He raises a brow, not quite understanding what this means. "Can you rephrase that?" Thranduil asks. You nod, feeling  a little better. "I am carrying the future of our kingdom," you say.

Never have you seen Thranduil go so white. His eyes widen and his gaze turns unreadable. You panic a little, until a small smile breaks across his face. He stands and envelops you in a hug, kissing you.

"Our heir is within you," Thranduil states. You nod. He places his hand over your stomach. "A life we have created is in there right now," he says. You nod again. Thranduil presses his lips to yours in a deep and passionate kiss.

"Gi melleth Y/N," Thranduil says after the kiss is broken. You smile slightly. "Thranduil, if you didn't love me, I would most likely be in the dungeons, not being Queen and carrying your heir," you say, exiting the library. Thranduil snorts. You do have a point.

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