Will You Ever Notice (Narry)

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Niall's POV

This music is starting to give me a head ache. Plus this place smell's like wet dog. I can see the guy's dancing well if you can call that dancing with some girls. I lost sight of some of them a while ago. I rather just drown myself in alcohol. It's been like this for a week. We would come down to this club I'd drown myself in alcohol and the guy's would do whatever the f*ck they want. I can tell they're drunk. Like really really drunk. I'd take them home but i'm going to let Zayn hit on that plant for a while longer.

"H-Hey N-nn-niall". 

Oh great he can't even talk straight. " Liam you shouldn't have drank that much. You can't even talk straight for f*ck's sake. Come on let's go home."

" B-but I don't want to."

"Sit here and don't move." I got up and headed to Zayn. "Dude it's a freaking plant it's not going to work out." And with that I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him off to fine Louis. Thank god he wasn't drunk." LOUIS LET'S GO." I yelled out. He nodded and I started looking around for Harry.

"N-nial he's o-over there by Liam" stuttered Zayn.

I dragged Zayn over to Harry. And to my surprise he's drunk too. Note my sarcasm. You know i'm not even going to talk to them. I dragged each of them out of there. Drunk bastards. It's like kindergarten. I'm holding each of there hands and dragging them along. I opened the door and nudged them each in shoving them onto the sofa. If look's could kill they'd each be dead on the ground. I didn't bother saying anything i'm pretty sure they got the message. After that I headed to my room.


Harry's POV

It's been an hour. We decided to stay were we were. Louis got back home 10 minutes after we did and headed straight to his room after saying goodnight. But we just stayed silent. Liam fell asleep a while ago. Zayn was on the verge of sleep. I kept thumping his head telling him to stay up but I think sleep's getting to him. We were all to scared to get up from the couch. Niall looked pissed really pissed.

I decided to go up and talk to him. I got up slowly making sure I wouldn't wake up Zayn or Liam. I didn't knock I just walked in. Normally Niall wouldn't mind. I walked in quietly and closed the door behind me. There he was sleeping. He looked adorable. Yes I did just describe my best friend that's a guy as adorable. I don't know what it is of Niall that make's me love him but I do. I didn't want to except it at first. But me ignoring him was hurting him. He thought he had done something. That night when I made him cry I had decided it was time for me to man up and accept it. I haven't told anyone yet. I don't think I will until i'm ready.

"Harry" Niall whispered rubbing his eye's.

" Hmm. Niall i'm sorry".

" It's ok" he patted the space next to him. I crawled in. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. " Night Ni". 

"Night". And after that he fell asleep. I could just die in his arm's. I wish he loved me back. I hope these feeling's go away. It just hurt's so much knowing he'll never be mine. After a while I fell asleep in Niall's arm's.

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