Special Dinner

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Anthony's POV

I had noticed things were different with Jasmine. Ever since I left to go out and buy the-... thing. Robbie wouldn't talk to me as much as he used to. He seemed to keep to himself more and play with his Dinosaurs or sit silently and watch TV from his high chair. Jasmine just seemed to have completely changed. It had only been three days as well. She insisted on taking Robbie to daycare and I wasn't allowed to leave as it would 'be an empty house'. Jas was usually cheery and bright and she was always smiling but I hadn't seen her smile in days. Her normally chocolate brown eyes had gone a murky dark gray color. She wouldn't eat anything unless I made it for her. She just... changed. I needed to cheer her up somehow.

So while Robbie was at daycare that day, I walked in the living room to find her on the sofa watching the daytime news, which we never watched. "Hey baby. How you doing?" I asked. "Fine" she replied, in the same monotone voice she always uses when she lies. My smile altered. Why would she be lying? Couldn't she tell me anything? "Jas, I know something's up. You've been acting strange ever since I went out a few days ago. Please, tell me what's up" I said, flopping down next to her on the sofa. "I'm... Im fine ok?" She said, still that same monotone voice. "Jasmine please! I promise that whatever it is, I can help you. I'm here for you anytime" I said and took her hand. She quickly pulled her hand away. "It's nothing ok!" She shouted and stood up. "I-I'm Fine. I'm just feeling a bit down lately?" She said, more of a question than an answer. "You know what might cheer you up?" I asked, smirking. "Not now Anthony" she said, when she noticed my smirk. "Please... you know you want to" I said, raising my eyebrows, that always made her laugh. Not this time though apparently. "Fine" she replied, as if it was a chore. I placed my hand on her cheek and began to kiss her, softly. I swear I saw a smile on her face for a second. Then the kiss went deeper. I pushed her down so she was lying on the sofa and I was on top of her. I pushed her down quite roughly and I wanted to apologise but I decided just to leave it. I'd do that later. I slid her shirt off and fear flashed in her eyes. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut. "Is everything ok?" I asked her, taking her hand. "No, no, no, no" she said, gripping the sofa. "No! Not again! I can't- I can't! Get off me!" She shouted and shoved me on to the floor. She began crying and ran away. I hurt myself from the fall off the sofa and I didn't feel like getting up, but I had to. "Jasmine! Wait! What did I do?" I shouted back at her, watching her run into our bedroom.

I couldn't get her out of her room for a while so I went to pick up Robbie from daycare. I brought him back and I saw that Jas had moved on to the sofa while I was gone. "Hey baby! I got Robbie from daycare so you didn't have to come out" I said, carrying Robbie in to the living room where she was sitting. She looked up at me, seemingly more alive-looking than before. "I was thinking that maybe we could go out for dinner tonight" I asked, hoping I knew what to do to cheer her up. "Yeah that'd be great" She replied and Robbie ran over to her. "You look better mommy" he said, as if he could read my mind. "Not sure if that's a compliment or not" she said and laughed. I hadn't seen her smile or laugh in what seemed like forever. Even though it was a soft laugh and a tiny smile, I treasured it like I'd never see it again.

~time skip to dinner cause why not~

After we had dropped Robbie off at Jasmine's parent's house, I drove her across to a section of NY we didn't often visit. There was a rather pricey restaurant that I took her to but a knew it would all be worth it... hopefully. I opened the car door for her and lead her into the building. We were sat on the first floor out on the balcony. The view overlooked a picturesque garden and the night just seemed perfect.

Before I knew it, we had finished our meal and Jas asked for the cheque. "Well this is it" I mumbled. "It's now or never". I quickly looked around to see not a lot of other couples there. One of the waitors were stood at the doors leading out to the balcony as well but that seemed to be it. I took a deep breath in and stood up. My legs almost couldn't keep me up, they were shaking that much. "Ant, what are you doing?" Jasmine asked, confused and clearly wanting me to sit down as not to draw attention to us. I inhaled and exhaled one more time before lightly taking Jasmine's hand in my own.

"Jasmine, you've made me the happiest man in the world for years now. We've been through so much together. Ups and downs. Highs and lows. But through all that, we're still burning stronger than ever. Even though we didn't exactly plan to have Robbie before we were married, I'm glad we did. He's made us both mature so much and grow as people... and I guess what I'm really trying to say is..." I said, shaking and sweating as I got down on one knee and used the hand that was holding hers to reach into my pocket and take out the ring. "Jasmine Cephas-Jones, will you marry me?" I asked, seeing white dots from being so nervous. "A-Anthony... I don't know w-what to say!" She said, covering her mouth as tears welled in her eyes. "Say yes!" I encouraged. "Yes!" She squealed and let the tears stream down her cheeks. I felt tears well in my own eyes too as I stood up. The couples and waiter around us began clapping and I hugged Jasmine tightly. When we pulled away, I slid the ring on her finger. "Oh my god Anthony. That ring is amazing! Look at the jewel on that!" She said and pulled me into another tight hug before kissing me on the lips, passionately but not too passionate for public. My heart was still beating at a million miles an hour and every limb on my body was still violently shaking but, nevertheless I managed to sit back down and so did Jasmine. "Thank you" she breathed, still softly crying tears of joy. "For what? I should be thanking you" I asked. "For everything. For all the times you've been there for me. For taking me out for dinner all those times. For all those coffees. For Robbie. For this" she said, lifting up her hand to admire the ring again at the end. "Thank you too. For everything" I said. "I love you, you know that?" I questioned. "Of course. I love you too" she replied, happier than I've seen her probably since Robbie was born. Everything just turned out to be perfect. I couldn't wish for anything more than I already had.

1267 Words

So I cried writing this lmao


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