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Jasmine's POV

I was in a deep sleep before I was awoken to a cheer. I jolted awake, upright on the bed. "Congratulations" I heard people saying from out the door. I rubbed my eyes, "Why does everyone have to come over now?" I mumbled as I yawned. I got up and changed out of my pyjamas. As I was about to walk out the door, I heard a cough from the basket. It was the cutest cough I ever heard. "Hey Robbie. You awake?" I asked, walking over to the Moses basket and seeing him awake. He made a gurgle noise when he saw me. I giggled to myself and lifted him up into my arms. His deep blue eyes met mine and he lay still. His arms didn't move and his legs didn't move. It was the perfect moment. After a few seconds however, he lifted his arm and scratched my chin. I giggled and put his little white gloves on.

As I walked into the living room, Robbie still in my arms, I saw Lin, Vanessa (who was still pregnant), Sebastian, Anthony, My mom and my dad. "Jasmine! There she is! Awwww. Oh my god. Can I hold him?" Were the thugs I heard in a jumble as I walked in. "Uh... hey?" I said, more of a question as I wasn't sure who to respond to. "Hey!" Sebastian shouted and waved enthusiastically as everyone laughed. I sat down next to Anthony and he kissed the side of my head. "Did you sleep well?" He asked. "Yeah. And it seems Robert did too" I said and showed him to Anthony. He was wide awake and throwing his arms up in the air. "Who wants to see him first?" I say and stand up again. "Can I see?" Sebastian asks. "Manners" Vanessa coughs. "Please!" He says, dragging out the 'ea'. He jumps up and I walk over to him, crouching down. "Now you've got to be careful with him if you want to hold him" I said and Lin made him sit down. "Ok I promise" he said and reached his arms out as if to try and grab Robbie.

I placed Robbie gently on his lap and Sebastian made a cute squealing noise. Lin moved his arms so he was supporting his head. Vanessa took some pictures of them and we passed Robbie around as if he was the present in pass the parcel. My parents started crying while they held him and so did I. Pretty soon after, everyone left, Sebastian took a bit of persuading to leave the baby alone but we eventually got there.

I walked into the bedroom with Robbie still in my arms. I placed him down in his Moses basket and smiled. I then noticed Anthony in the doorway. "How is he?" He asked. "He seems fine. Looks like being passed around was too tiring for him" I said and sat down on the bed. Anthony came and sat next to me. "Could you imagine if everyone got tired that quickly? I'm starting to" I said, jokingly. "He wouldn't even be born" Anthony said and laughed as I playfully punched him. He rolled back on the bed and then his eyes locked with mine. He just jumped on me and started kissing me. As the kiss got more intense, I pulled away. "We really shouldn't incase Robbie wakes up" I said. "Come on Jas, we haven't done this for 9 months" Anthony whined. "Alright, fine" I said and tried to forget about the baby sleeping at the bottom of the bed.

Just as I began to take his jeans off, Robbie began crying. He got off of me and I got up to walk over to him. "Sorry" I said and picked him up. Anthony groaned and stood up. "What's up with him anyway?" He asked and zipped up his jeans. "I don't really know... maybe he's hungry?" I said and took him into the living room to feed him. Anthony walked in, fully dressed now and sat beside me. He kissed my forehead and put his finger in front of Robbie's face as his bright blue eyes locked with it. He reached out and grabbed his finger before squeezing it tightly. It was moments like that I loved the most

(Sorry for the huge leap in time)
~2 years 6 months later~

I was driving to the hospital for my annual check up with Robbie in the backseat. "No! No doccers! Doccers are bad" Robbie shouted as we parked in the parking lot. "No Robbie. The doctors are just gonna tell mommy if she can have another baby yet" I explained, getting out of the car. "I don't wanna be here" he screamed as I opened the car door for him. "Well too bad. Daddy is away with his friends right now so you're stuck with me" I said, lifting him out his car seat. He huffed and crossed his arms as he stood next to my car. "I'm not moving" he said and stamped his foot. "Robbie" I said, a warning tone in my voice. "No" he said and stamped his foot once more. "You have until he count of three" I warned. "One... two... th-" I managed to say before he ran ahead of me to the sidewalk. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him. "You shouldn't do that Robbie" I said. "I know mommy. I'm sorry" he said and gripped my hand tightly. I couldn't give him into trouble. After all, he was two. It's what stroppy toddlers do. Especially when he was wearing his Hawaiian shorts and shirt that matched so perfectly. He was the best thing to ever happen to me... besides Anthony.

We eventually were admitted to my doctor who ran a few tests on me before we got the results. "Well we have the results and we have some different news than last time" the doctor said. I sat there with my leg bouncing in anxiety while Robbie played with a triceratops toy he had brought. "Yes?" I asked, anxiety filling me that I would have a horrible disease or never even have a chance of having kids again. "It appears that after Robert's birth, the damage done seems to have reversed. Although it has been over 2 years, I'm happy to tell you that Jasmine, your odds of having children are back to normal. Congratulations" The doctor said with a smile.

My leg stopped bouncing. A smile crept its way into my lips and I felt tears well in my eyes. "R-Really?" I asked, overwhelmed with emotions. "Yes really. Your chances of having children are back to usual" she said. I was stunned to silence and she held her arms out to hug me. I stood up and accepted her offer of a hug and tears began streaming from my eyes. I felt a little embarrassed hugging my doctor but I needed it. I walked out of the room to see Robbie gazing up at me. "What's wrong? Is mommy ok?" Robbie asked, appearing concerned. "Mommy's fine. Mommy's more than ok" I said, tears still streaming down my face. He looked confused but just went back to feeling the scales on his dinosaur toy. After I had calmed down a little, I picked up Robbie and took him back to the car.

I placed him in his car seat in the back before climbing into the front. I had stopped crying by now but the smile was still plastered across my face. "Robbie I'm going to put daddy on the phone so please don't start talking about dinosaurs until I'm finished" I said, knowing that's always what he wanted to talk about during car journeys. He made a squeaky noise before saying, "ok!" very enthusiastically. I phoned Anthony and it came through the car. "Hey what's up?" He said, very calmly which was unusual of him. "So you know how I went to the hospital today for the annual check up?" I asked, biting my lip to make sure I wouldn't spill the news too early. "Uh huh" he said. "Well... it turns out I can have kids again! The damage reversed itself and I'm back to normal!" I shrieked. "That's amazing baby. We should celebrate tonight... if you catch my drift" he said through the phone but I could almost hear the smirk coming through the phone. "Anthony! Robbie's listening!" I shouted. "Hiya daddy" Robbie chimed in from the backseat. (I know what song came into your head there. Just a heads up for the lyric spammers) "O-Oh heya Robbie... we're gonna celebrate with- um- Pizza! Yeah pizza tonight!" Anthony nervously chuckled. "Yeah sure... pizza" I said and rolled my eyes. "I swear to god if I wasn't on speakerphone right now..." Anthony said with fake anger. "Well anyway, I just wanted to let you know. I'm so happy right now" I said, a giggle escaping my mouth st the very end. "You're just too cute sometimes Jas... well I'll see you when I get home. Will started chatting up the woman behind the bar so I think I'll just head home now" Anthony said. "As long as you weren't then we're fine" I said, jokingly. "Of course not baby" he said before we finally said goodbye.

1562 Words

Sorry for the month's gap between this chapter and the last but I was on holiday for Easter and I got really hyped writing this lmao... let's just say I have big things in store for this story


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