Love is caring

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Arnav woke up to see kushis face....she looked like an angel....he couldn't even take his eyes of her....with hesitation he looked at the clock and realised it's time to get up....he knew kushis medication would have weared off so she would be in pain when she wakes up....he gets up from the bed without making any sound and heads towards the bathroom and soon freshened....he came near kushi and sat beside her ...he started reading newspaper when kushis hand reached him....her eyes were closed but she knew arnav was near and just wanted to feel whether he was there....arnav just grabbed her hand and bent towards kushi
Arnav: are you awake....I'm here ...look at me
Kushi mumbled something inaudible
Arnav closes in to hear what she was saying
Kushi: I don't feel good
Arnav: definitely u won't feel good when your skin is burnt...get up we need treat the burn and u need to eat
Kushi: I don't need to get up....but do something it's irritating
Arnav: once we apply medicine ull feel better so now get up
Kushi just looked with puppy eyes...arnav knew it ..these are kushis tantrums.....she does this so that arnav carries her to the she was already hurt so he thought to go by her way
Kushi just put her hand outward like a 2 year baby would do....arnav laughed at her and admired how cute she looked
Arnav: ok I'll carry you but you need to be careful coz I shouldn't touch your burns
Kushi: I know you will carry me safe and do it fast I really need to go the bathroom
Arnav cautiously bent over her and lifted her and dropped her at the bathroom
Arnav: now go careful and don't dare to lock the bathroom
Kushi: ok
Arnav waited outside the bathroom till she is done and again carefully lifted her and laid her at the bed....kushi winced lightly as arnav lowered her
Arnav: kushi are u alright....did I hurt you
Kushi : no I'm fine
Few hours later one by one all family members came to kushi one point their bedroom looked like their living room..ria Harsha were also there....they continued with their usual chatter which made kushi feel alive and forget her pain....little later anvi too entered the room...ria was looking at her as she was her arch enemy....she enquired about kushi  and stood there silently fuming at them....soon arnavs aunt came to treat her ....when she took those medications out of her bag to apply on kushi she panicked..
Aunt: don't worry I'm not gonna apply it now...did u have your medications?
Kushi : no I just ate now...arnav was about take the medicines
Arnav: and here I am
Arnav came with the medicines and gave all the tablets to her ....she swallowed all 3 tablets one by one ...atlast she looked at the kada arnav was holding in his hands
She always hated those
Arnav handed her the glass and signalled to drink
She didn't move a little
U have to drink at or else who know what I will do
She was frozen..she didn't to want to drink it is she gonna escape this
Arnav: ok I'll give you 15 minutes time drink it before that or else I'm gonna do it in the hard way with that arnav exited the room
Everyone started convincing kushi to drink it but she couldn't... minute by minute she started to get tense...15 minutes was over and arnav was punctual as usual
He came and looked at her and the glass
He just nodded his head to a no and approached kushi
Kushi was scared to hell...she closed her face with her hands tightly
Arnav came and slowly sat beside her
He signalled his brothers something....he delicately drove his hand across her and back and involuntarily kushi crashed into his chest
Arnav chuckled a little and tried to take her hands off her face
Arnav: it's ok just look at me...I'm not gonna do anything
Kushi slowly opened her hands and looked at him
Kushi: I don't want to drink it
Arnav: ya I know
With that arnav just pulled her into his lap slowly without even her realising
He held her like anybody would hold a baby....both his brothers held kushis head as she was leaning into arnavs chest...within a second she realised what is gonna's the hard way.... she is gonna be force fed.....she tried to get away from their grasp but it was too late . .arnav held her by one hand and opened her mouth with the other hand
Arnav: don't struggle's gonna hurt you more....just take a full gulp
Within seconds arnavs aunt held her nose and fed her the Kada...she tried to resist but she can't oppose three men
Arnav: good girl u drank it all
Kushi was heaving a little with deep breaths and fell against his chest with disbelief that they succeeded
Arnav and others laughed at her and told what a baby she is....she didn't even utter a word and started coughing little from the drink.
Arnav just hugged her and consoled her rubbing her back....another nightmare was waiting for her ..... medicine application on burns

It was hell of a day for kushi .....she tolerated enough pain for another was almost 9 o clock when arnav entered the room after finishing his office calls....only when he entered he noticed her death glare.
Arnav: what happened y are you angry?
Kushi: no medication no Kada from tomorrow
Arnav: r u kidding....then how come you are gonna get well....any miracle?
Kushi: I don't want you here....get out
Arnav: excuse me it's my room
Kushi: whaaaat
Arnav: ok our room
Kushi: plz get out and don't come until I say so
Arnav: calm down kushi... everything s gonna be alright
Kushi: just get out
Arnav she was yelling due to her pain and anxiety...she would this when she was on her period or she is sick...he thought to give herself some space
Arnav: ok I'm going out...just rest ok
Kushi felt awful when he left the room...she fell in the bed disgusted of herself.... little did she knew that arnav sneeked into the room soon after and was sitting at the balcony looking at her
Few days went by arnav helped her around but he didn't talk to her as he usually does becoz kushi would shout everytime he tried to talk to her...he really didn't want her to be even more stressed so didn't even utter a word unless it was necessary...her burns started to heal so she didn't needed arnavs help....she would reject arnav everytime he tried to help her

Anvi often came to meet arnav and stayed at their room for sometime....kushi was annoyed looking at her...later that day kushi was sound asleep when anvi entered the room did some fiddling with kushis medicines....arnav came late at night and looked at kushi who was asleep
He freshened up without waking kushi up and sat beside her....he slowly lifted kushis shirt to look at her burns....they were healing good....with a sigh of relief he slept....kushi who was pretending to sleep turned over to arnav when she heard his light snoar....she leaned toward and kissed him and slept cuddling him

Next morning arnav rushed to office due to some important work and he had to return early home because there was a function at his aunt's home.... everybody was about to go there..he returned early in the evening and rushed towards his room as he was already late
Arnav knocked at his room door as it was locked
Kushi: who is that?
Arnav: it's me
Kushi: wait a minute
She opened the door after few minutes to find her in a half pleated saree
Arnav: what the
Kushi: what
Arnav: why are you wearing a saree
Kushi: don't you remember...we are going to the function
Arnav: we are....not u....u r still not healed
Kushi: I'm healed ...little bruises over here and there I'm fine and I'm going that's it and help me with this saree
Arnav didn't know what to say....she was healed but he was overprotective which also he knew
Arnav: be seated here...ill come in a minute
Arnav returned well groomed and looked at her sitting half nude in saree
Kushi: help me I'm tired of this's hard it slips every time
Arnav: ok .....why did u even try
Arnav helped her with the saree and took her along with him
They function was going well but kushi started feeling uncomfortable....she felt like her burns are burning again.... slowly the pains started.....she was feeling itchy too....she was puzzled...anvi came to her and tried to have a conversation with her...kushi didn't even care and went searching for arnav....Harsha found her panicking and asked her whether she is okay...kushi started to pant and the only words escaped her lips were arnav

Harsha took her to the nearby room and asked her to sit...he was too puzzled looking at her state....he ran to search arnav and bumped into arnav himself
Harsha: baiya.....baiya ....bhabi
Arnav: what happened ..... what y r u panicking
Harsha: something happened to bhabhi
Arnav rushed to kushi with his last words
As soon as he rushed towards the room he saw kushi passed out in the floor
He froze
Harsha who followed him saw kushi passed out at the floor and his brother rushing towards her.... from the corner of his eyes he also looked at Avni smirking a little behind the curtains
To be continued.....

Arshi's Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें