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After realizing how akward it was to meet arnav, kushi tried to avoid him as much as she can...arnav knew what was going on but he didn't care much...he was waiting for the right moment to tease her...

Next day morning Arnav asked Kushi to be ready to attend their friend's marriage....arnav took a shower and came back to see Kushi still sleeping soundly in the bed

Arnav moved toward her and shaked his head to make the water from his hair fall on her face....kushi in turn who got irritated by his actions asked him to go....

A: I'll give you 5 minutes...get up

K: I don't want to...let me sleep

A: stop behaving like a child...we have a wedding to attend

K: ok...don't nudge I'll get up

Kushi who got up, sat in the bed with her face in her palms...arnav who noticed it went to her worried and kept his hand on her neck and forehead to check whether she is ok

A: ya, are you alright? What happened

K: I don't feel good

A: does it pain anywhere

K: no just I'm extremely tired

A: are you on your period?

K: noo

A: shall we go to the hospital

K: I'm just tired ..just leave me alone for sometime...illl be ok then

Arnav thought it is not a good idea to take her along so he got ready and moved to kushi who was still sleeping

She looked a little pale out of the blue which worried him...he slowly bent down to give a small kiss on her lips

A: I'll be right back ok baby....rest for some more time and then have your breakfast..if you are not okay by the time we return, we are going to the hospital...call me if anything

With that arnav rushed to the wedding worried about leaving Kushi...he informed his mother about Kushi and asked her to take care of her

Arnav made sure that he return fast as possible and came to see kushi sleeping in the bed...her breakfast was lying on the side table which she never touched

A: baby....get up....have the breakfast and then you can sleep

K: I'm not hungry arnav ...just now mummy came to convince me to eat....I'm not hungry arnav...leave me alone

This started to worry him....she didn't have the strength to do anything

Somehow managed to convince her to drink a cup of milk and she refused to eat anything else...he was determined to drag her to the hospital if this worsens...he was also worried since he is the only one capable of taking care of her since he is the only one she listens to, but he has to travel somewhere for business that very day

He was thinking to postpone it or make Harsha attend it....around evening kushi started to get better which made arnav relax a bit....kushi knew that he wouldn't go if she was sick so made her best to put up an act to look ok...she wanted to go to the washroom so managed to get up from the bed and went halfway when she suddenly felt dizzy and stumbled a little...within seconds arnav caught her

A: are you alright baby?

K: I'm alright ..... it's because I stood suddenly after laying down for so much time

A: can I believe you?

K: yes Aranav, let me go

A: I'll accompany you

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