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Kushi's insecurities didn't leave her alone. she was into thoughts whether she can become a good mom. Arnav knew that something is worrying Kushi but not sure what it is was...he had lot of office work to do and also he was worried about kushi on the other side

Few months passed by in a blink and kushi was coping up with her pregnancy status. Arnav was tired and stressed which Kushi too knew. She was not sure how to help him so she talked with Sahir and Harsha

That day was a Monday and Arnav had a big client meeting for what he was preparing for a whole month....he didn't inform anything to Kushi coz it might make her nervous too

The client meeting went good and they said they will soon let him know their response on their investment.....soon after the client meeting an unfamiliar face popped up in the office. This person looked like someone but Arnav couldn't get a hold of whom it is

This person walked to Arnav and introduced himself as Akash.

Akash: hey Arnav, nice to meet you...I am Akash. I have always wanted to meet you but only today I got the chance

Ar: nice to meet you too Akash but do we know each other....I don't recall you

Aki and Harsha came to Arnav and said that he is the one who recently bought their shares and in other terms he wanted to take over AR designs

Aksh: I was invited for the board meeting, I thought I could have few words before that

Arnav: board meeting?

Ak: don't tell me you didn't know about this

Arnav was puzzled and within few moments he was informed that there was an emergency board meeting called out

Arnav straightway knew this guy Akash is the one responsible for all of it

Ak: Come on Arnav, I know it's soon but soon you are going to become my brother in law...why don't we talk somewhere private?

The whole picture was now visible to Arnav. Arnav agreed to his requested and showed the way to Akash and directed him to his cabin

As they were about to move Anvi stormed into the place

Anvi: hi Arnav, I see that you have met my brother...I thought to introduce him but here we are!!

Akash: why don't you stay here Anvi, me and Arnav have something important to talk to

With that they both entered Arnav's cabin

Arnav knew this guy was upto something so he didn't show his doubts on his face instead he remained calm

Akshay : I want to collaborate with you aranav, I have always admired you....that is the reason why I am here

If we work together we can restore ar designs to its previous glory....I know you are struggling recently in the market....we can make it work!!!

Arnav: what do you propose?

I propose that we can work together!!!

Ar: why?

Ak: I know the client that you met little bit ago is the only chance to save this company...but they owe me a favour unless I say yes, this deal is off

Arnav knew what was coming.....Akash had laid a trap and Arnav fell right through it....he couldn't beleive at his position now....he could straight away say no to whatever Akash says and come out but it would be disastrous to the company

He also knew that this guy is evil as someone to say checkmate to Arnav...he must have dirtied his hands

Arnav: what do you want

Ak: just transfer your shares to Anvi's need to give it to me .....I'll also do the same....we both won't be the soul owners

Let the board decide who is gonna be the CEO !!!!

Arnav did not know what to do ...he just looked into his employees bustling here and there and being nervous to find whether the client approved the proposal!!!

His answer can save these people....he just closed his eyes for few seconds and then looked at Akash straight in the face

Arnav: I'll do it!!!!

To be continued.....

Arshi's Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें