Chapter 12: Bonding with the Children

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"Okay, let's go."

With a smile, Miss Madeleine held out her hands for us to hold as she led us around the house.

Evangeline's POV  

I woke up to the feeling of my body almost hitting the floor as Erik jerked awake. Luckily, Erik's fast reflexes caught me before I fell face-first onto the wooden planks. 

"Where are the twins?!" He exclaimed as he looked around the room frantically. 

I got out of his hold as I tried to calm him down. 

"What do you mean, babe? They're right over-" I stopped talking as I realized that the twins were missing.

"Tia? Ozzie? Where are you?" I called to them as the two of us searched the living room.  

When neither one of them were visible, the two of us started to get worried. 

"Osmand? Octavia? Show yourselves!" Erik cried, as we continued to search in vain. 

After a few minutes, I noticed a small figurine in the shape of a cat holding a fiddle that was on the floor next to the couch.

"Babe? What's this?" I asked, picking it up from the floor and showing it to him.   

He took the figurine in his hands and studied it for a few minutes or so. Suddenly, his eyes lit up in recognition. 

"I thought I left this in the attic. Why would it be down here? Unless..."

At that second, he grabbed my hand and we ran upstairs. 

"Where are we going?" I yelled, "We need to look for the kids!"

"I think I know where they are." 

We took an abrupt stop when we reached the top of the staircase. There, right in the other end of the hall, was a ladder going up to the attic. 

"Let's go." I said as I made my way to climb. But before I could get on the rail, Erik stopped me. 

"Wait. Let me go up first. It's rather dark in there and I don't want you getting hurt. "

With Erik taking the lead, we both climbed the ladder and set foot inside the dark attic. At that moment, we heard the voices of two children and one very old lady.

"Kids?" I called, Erik waiting by my side. 

"Hi Mommy, hi Daddy!" The twins greeted as they ran towards us. 

We scooped them up in our arms, so relieved that they were okay. 

"What were you two thinking?! We were so worried that something happened to you. You know to ask us before you go anywhere with anyone."

"We're sorry, Mommy." Ozzie apologized, "We thought that since we were still in the house that it would be okay."

"Yeah," Tia added, "And Daddy knows Miss Madeleine, so we weren't going with a stranger. We thought that it would be fine." 

As if by magic, Miss Madeleine appeared and stood nearby, Erik sending a glance at her before talking to the twins. 

"Osmand. Octavia, that was a very naughty thing you two did. You could have at least left us a note. Still, I do suppose that it wasn't all your fault. We should have been watching you instead of falling asleep and I know that since you didn't leave the house, you thought that you weren't breaking the rules, but your Mother and I need to know where you are. Understand?"

"Yes, Daddy." The twins responded, their hazel eyes downcast. 

I turned to Miss Madeleine as I ushered both Erik and the kids back downstairs. 

"Erik, kids, go downstairs. I need to talk to Miss Madeleine alone." 

"Are you sure, mon amore?" Erik asked, worry lacing his voice.

I went over to him and kissed his lips. 

"I'm sure. I'll be fine."

Erik sighed and led Ozzie and Tia downstairs, but not before turning to me one more time. 

"My love, please don't be too violent." 

With that, me and Miss Madeleine were alone to talk. 

A/N: Hello my fellow Phantom Phans!

Missed me much?

Thank you guys so very much for the 9.6k views, the 778 likes, and all of your comments. 

You guys are awesome!  😊

Okay, so I know that I haven't updated in over a month, but I had a pretty busy school year with finals and whatnot. But now that school let out for the summer, I could make up for some lost time! 😁

However, if I do become slow with my updates, then you still have two of my books to keep you occupied. 

If you can't wait for some more Phantom action, then look no further than A Plethora of Oneshots to feed your addiction. This book includes chapters that didn't make it into the story, alternate endings, and more neat stuff. 

Have a question to ask? Then post it on my book Chrissy's World and I will answer (within reason). 

Now, with that out of the way, how did you guys like the chapter?

Why does Evangeline want to be alone with Miss Madeleine? 

Will this end well?

Vote, Comment, and Share and I'll see y'all next time! 

M'kay, bye! 💖

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