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Ana was pulled away from the arms of sleep by a sharp sting on her midriff . She knew what it meant before she opened her eyes and in the next instant found herself falling out of her bed screaming in pain . Her body now quivering was feeling a pain so intense it would've killed a human within seconds .

She knew this was going to happen . It was a warning . Like every night for the past month...this night was also going to bring alot of pain . She crawled towards her cabinet and tried sitting up. She frantically pawed the cabinet for the potion that would end it . She found a vial . An empty one .

No no no no this cannot be happening !

She shook the tiny bottle desperately but  only a drop made it to her mouth .

Not enough not enough !

A different pain wracked her body . This was not the usual one . She was addicted to the potion and not having it was killing her . She sobbed .

Where is it ? I kept one for emergency right here...

"No . You finished that bottle days ago" she answered herself in a hoarse whisper .

Pulling up her sweat drenched T-shirt she saw a multitude of bruises forming - it was almost like ink spreading on water . All the pain receptors in her body were humming while she tried finding her vial of potion to end the pain .

A loud crack !  resounded throughout her tiny apartment and a whimper left her mouth . Her bones were breaking . One by one . All her injuries were mending like they are supposed to only for newer ones to replace it . She knew her body would not be able to hold on much longer .
When she felt her conscious slipping away her throat now raw from shouting only allowed a dry chuckle .

"After all " she thought to herself "how many females out there had the good  fortunate knowing that their mates were effing someone else ? "


"Where are you ? You were supposed to be here 2 hours ago " Revenna's monotonous voice told her over the phone .

Wincing at her every movement Ana grabbed her keys before leaving her apartment . "I'll be there in two and Revenna ?" She continued "I ..I need more of that potion"

There was silence and then Revenna "I thought you wanted to get rid of the addiction ."

"I-I-I can't . It's hard . I won't be able to do it "

"That's exactly why you should get rid of it."

Ana made no comment.

Sighing again Revenna said " I'll see what I can do "

Ana thought of all the times Revenna had helped her . They were not friends . God no ! She snorted at the thought . There was simply an understanding between them .

You watch my back I'll watch yours .
Simple as that .

Ana had come to the city of New York 3 years ago . Although it was mainly because she was a rogue and New York was One of the only cities that was not controlled by a pack , she also chose it because it was easy to get lost in the noise and population .

She had had no expectations when she came to New York . She just wanted to get away. Anythin would've satisfied her after everything she'd been through . But she guessed the goddess was on her side for once when she had found 'The Acasa' . A safe place for Rogues to gather . Of course it was not completely safe . Nothing is safe for Rogues . But it was acceptable enough to become a frequent joint for a number of rogues . Including her .

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