The suicide of Martin Manley

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He was a local (to Kansas City area) sports statistician. He decided that he hated that death was something he has no control over, so he planned his own suicide after he decided that he had lived a long enough life.

He planned the whole thing out and had pre-mailed an explanation and all needed documents to his family so that they'd arrive the day it happened. (he didn't want his kids finding out through the news) He also didn't want to traumatize anyone who isn't accustomed to seeing death/gore, so he did it in the police station parking lot off to the side and called his own suicide in seconds before pulling the trigger so that people who are used to this sort of thing would be responding.

He also set up a website explaining why he did it and explaining the whole process:

He researched what he needed to do to ensure as many organs as possible would be donated/harvested.

It's really weird reading something from someone that knew they're going to be dead. It's different from reading something from someone who is terminally ill, though you'd think it's no different.

He also thought it would be funny to mess with people so he put GPS coordinates on a page on his website that mentions where he buried his $200,000 coin collection. A BUNCH of local people went to the local Arboretum where the coordinates pointed to and police had to intervene.

The guy planned EVERYTHING out. Even what to do with his car. Pre-paid his cremation. It's really bizarre reading through his website.

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