Nun in the picture

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Back in the old days when the nuns lived on campus, their bedrooms were in a second floor hallway overlooking the school's courtyard.

In 1920, one of the nuns was particularly loved by the graduating class. Every year, a portrait was, and still is, taken of the graduating class and hung in the school's main hallway. That year, the nun promised that she would be there for the senior class picture.

Unfortunately, she got sick just before graduation and died in her bedroom before the class picture was taken.

On picture day, the class of 1920 assembled in the courtyard for the photograph. At the time the shot was snapped, so says the legend, there was nobody in any of the bedroom windows above the courtyard.

However, upon developing the photograph, a mysterious nun can be seen leaning out of one of the windows. No one can say for sure who she is. Supposedly this is the beloved nun keeping her promise to her graduating girls.

The picture still hangs in the hall of my high school, and everyone knows her as "the ghost nun."

I admit these stories are the shallow end of the spooky pool, but I can't help but be charmed by them. They are sort of the urban legend-pop culture-campfire stories evolution of oral tradition. In a way, such stories keep us in touch with our shared past.

But yeah, I really love that ghost nun.

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