This is all very nope

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“When I was a teenager in Colorado Springs we all used to crawl though this small tunnel that was directly under the interstate to get back and fourth from our neighborhood to the shitty trailer park with out obviously having to jump fences and run across the highway.

One drunken night alone I was on my way home about 2-3 am I came out of the tunnel only to find myself face to face with this huge rottweiler staring at me. I was in shock for a second, my stomach dropped. Instinctively I started yelling at the damn dog to go home. He just stood there glaring at me and every step I slowly took trying to get away he would bark and growl showing his teeth. So I started stomping towards him in a dominant way yelling at him to go on.

He turned and took steps back but still proceeded in torturing me barking and growling. I stupidity drunkenly started to power walk away. I then heard his feet running towards me as I had my back turned away from him. I turned back around only to see him lunging at me. I fell, when I turned and looked up the damn dog was completely out of sight as if I imagined the entire thing. To this day I don’t know if the dog was somebody’s pet or what. I didn’t hear him running away after I fell so I’ll never know I guess. Maybe he was a dark spirit.”

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