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Nat: Hey guys

Sharon: hey

Pepper: hey

Wanda: Is this group chat?

Wanda: I thought only Tony did these

Nat: But I don't do mine at 2 in the morning

Wanda: true

Nat: anyway, I found out that the guys have a secret chat and I decided that we should have one too

Pepper: YAS. 

Sharon: The Sisters United

Wanda: Where we can be weird and no one will care

Nat: Exactly. 

Nat: I also have an idea for a prank, if anyone's interested

Pepper: Would this happen to be the idea about Tony's suits

Nat: Yes

Pepper: It's immature, but I like it

Wanda: What idea?

Sharon: What's going on?

Nat: So Tony has all these suits...And I have all this pink paint and Hello Kitty stickers from when I went shopping at Target and Lowe's

Sharon: Oh this is gonna be good

Wanda: Say no more, I'm in

Pepper: Well, we'll have to wait till tomorrow, bc I'm in a meeting rn

Pepper: With Tony and some dumb CEOs

Pepper: And he doesn't look that thrilled that im texting while he's talking

Nat: Which is completely unfair, bc he texts when Steve is going over missions

Pepper: yeah, he's a handful

Sharon: All of our men are handfuls

Nat: true

Pepper: Wait, Steve is a handful?

Pepper: I would think he'd be the best boyfriend ever

Nat: He is, but sometimes he gets really overprotective

Pepper: Well that's understandable

Pepper: i mean, his last two girlfriends didn't exactly work out

Wanda: Two?

Wanda: I thought he only had the one

Sharon: I might have dated him for, like, two days

Wanda: WHAT

Wanda: How did I not know about this

Sharon: Well, you weren't there and it was kind of like a fling. So we didn't spread it around

Pepper: Anyway, i can understand why he'd be overprotective.

Nat: I can, too. It just gets annoying. 

Nat: Like, yesterday we had a mission together and I didn't get to hit a single person. he took them all out, just because one of them called me a 'pretty little thing'. 

Pepper: But that's so cute tho

Nat: But annoying

Pepper: but cute

Pepper: I could fight u all day, sister

Nat: Fine. 

Nat: it was cute

Nat: and I may have smiled

Nat: But it was still annoying

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