Truth or Dare- Part 2...or 3...I can't remember

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Tony: guys, guys guys guys guys

Steve: whaaaaaat

Tony: Jeez, Steve, whiny much

Steve: I have a right to be whiny when you text me at 4 in the morning

Tony: whatever

Nat: what the heck tony

Bruce: I am so sick of these early morning conversations

Clint: same bro

Bucky: does this happen a lot?

Bucky: bc if it does im getting rid of my Stark phone

Tony: y'all r a bunch of whiners

Tony: im bored and i cant sleep

Clint: and we should care because....?

Tony: -_-

Tony: i wanna play truth or dare again

Steve: oh right, bc the first time we played this it went SOOOOOO well

Tony: well I thought it did

Bruce: well u thought wrong

Tony: pleaseeeeeeee

Nat: no

Clint: no

Bruce: no

Steve: no

Bucky: no

Tony: I'll make breakfast tmrw

Steve: tony u can't even cook

Steve: and ill end up having to cook breakfast anyway

Tony: Ill take y'all out to IHOP

Clint: Fine. I'll play

Nat: ugh same

Bucky: im in. I love IHOP

Steve: whats IHOP

Bruce: okay im in

Bruce: but only bc steve doesnt know what ihop is


Tony: okay barton u go first

Clint: ugh. okay, um, i dare steve to dress up as superman and run around the street yelling random crap and 'helping' people but not really helping

Steve: what the heck

Steve: i dont have a Superman costume

Steve: so ha

Tony: dont worry, i just ordered one for u

Tony: ur welcome

30 minutes later.....

Tony: omg that was halirous

Clint: I know XDDDDD

Steve: I hate u all

Steve: and I can't believe that old lady hit be with her handbag

Bruce: what did she have in there? A brick?

Steve: idk, but i have a huge bruise on my head

Nat: dont worry, steve, ur still cute

Steve: thanks, that was my main concern -_-

Nat: yeah, i figured

Steve: alright.....Tony, truth or dare

Tony: truth

Steve: coward

Steve: Is it true that you had a captain america blanket and stuffed teddy? And wore cap pajamas? And had a mini shield? 

Tony: ...I was 7, ok?

Clint: wait, that wasnt a joke?

Bruce: wow tony

Nat: awwwwwwwwwwwww

Bucky: thats just creepy man

Tony: i hate u steve

Steve: oh dont worry, the feelings mutual

Tony: heh

Tony: u just basically said u hate yourself

Tony: heh

Tony: does no one else find that hilarious

Bruce: No one else is obsessed with him

Tony: r u guys never gonna let this go

Clint: nope

Nat: never

Tony: dang

Tony: I hate this game

Tony: Goodnight

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