Boy Band

818 39 12

Tony: Guys, I had an idea

Peter: Mr. Stark, it's 2 in the morning

Peter: No offense, I just was wondering...Do you usually do this?

Steve: Yes, yes he does

Tony: Oh shush, Steve

Tony: This is actually going to be fun

Bruce: What is it this time? 

Clint: If it's truth or dare, I'm in

Thor: If it's that, then I'm out

Clint: Buzz kill

Tony: well it's not truth or dare

Tony: it's better

Peter: What is it?

Tony: We should start a secret boy band

Bucky: okay, if these are the only conversations we r gonna have, I'm just gonna get rid of my phone

Peter: 4 real, Mr. Stark?

Tony: Yeah, Spidey

Tony: Just Imagine it

Tony: I'll be lead singer of course

Bruce: Would you though?

Steve: I always thought of Tony as a back-up, not really needed singer

Tony: wow steve, wow

Tony: that hits me right in the feels

Clint: Well, i call bass

Bruce: Drums

Bucky: ? I wouldn't have pegged you for a drummer, Banner

Bruce: Well, I am

Bucky: huh.

Bucky: I vote Steve lead vocal and I'll be his back up

Tony: But then what am I?

Bucky: Back up No. 2

Tony: I hate u

Tony: who put you in charge anyway

Bucky: I did

Peter: What about me?

Bucky: You can be second lead. You look like u have a good voice

Peter: Thanks, Mr. Bucky!

Tony: OKAY


Bucky: bc he's better than u

Bucky: now shut up

Thor: What about me?

Bucky: uhhh...Let me think

Bucky: ...Ever heard of the triangle?

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