"y'all are idiots"

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liam: i'm sad

louis: why

liam: my uncle passed away :(

zayn: oh shit

zayn: i'm so sorry li

niall: we're here if you need someone to talk

louis: yeah

liam: thanks guys

liam: but lets change the topic

niall: good idea

zayn: ey louis

louis: yes?

zayn: how is it going with harry

niall: harry styles?

zayn: yeah, he's the guy i sent the number from

louis: he is absolutely adorable

louis: and really nice

louis: he told me i'm cute c:

liam: aw okay thats cute

niall: harry isn't gay

zayn: he isn't?

niall: i'm not sure :/ but i dont think so

liam: oh oh

louis: wait what

louis: are you serious zayn

louis: i finally found a cute boy and now i find out he's straight

liam: we're not sure tho

liam: just ask him

niall: yeah

louis: i only know him for a few days and know i should ask him if he likes dick?

niall: maybe not like that

niall: but yes

liam: why not

zayn: do it

louis: y'all are idiots


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