"fake friends everywhere"

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louis: blop

niall: blep

zayn: louis where tf are you

liam: we're waiting for you

louis: c h i l l

louis: i'm on my way

louis: so did i guys tell you 

louis: that i'm going out with harry

louis: and that he and jin didn't fuck

niall: but if they would

niall: who tops

liam: no one cares

zayn: i swear louis

zayn: we're going without you

louis: no no no 

louis: ok hi i see u guys

zayn: sorry ni

zayn: we gotta go

liam: we will text you later

louis: bye bye

niall: damn

niall: fake friends everywhere

niall: idc

niall: i don't need them

niall: i'm a strong independent woman

niall: and i'm not funny

niall: oh man

niall: i miss u guys

niall: i need more friends

niall. i miss hailee

niall: meh

niall: guys

niall: i have a funny joke

niall: oh wait

niall: well

niall: y'all aren't here


niall: why did the invisible man turn down the job offer?

niall: he couldn't see himself doing it

niall: hah

niall: i'm so funny


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