In Another World

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I remember the days when you and me were great friends, we hanged out all the time, had sleepovers where all we did was eat and play video games until the sun came up, nothing would be awkward between us. But then I started developing feelings for you...... At first it would just be a few instances when I would blush at you if you did something, like that one time when it was a hot summer day and you bought me ice cream. You've done it many times before but in that moment it felt special. Or that other time I asked you how I looked in a suit, you said handsome and I ran back to the dressing room my heart pounding hard, and so was my blushing. You found it unusual and asked me about it later. I couldn't think of a reasonable so I just uttered, "I needed to check on my c-cat." I immediately regretted uttering those words wishing that I would be able to go back in time and changing my answer to something that made more sense. You laughed at it calling me a idiot. I ignored all those nicknames but I got used to them after some time. I never expected you to react like this when I told you I like you. You brought tears in my eyes. You called all of this bullshit. Bullshit...... Then it became awkward for us to even see each other then that incident in the bathroom only made things 29 times worse. Seeing you made me woozy, not in a good way. I thought about what would happen if you felt the same I did, you would finally let me give you pigtails but that's never gonna happen. But you like girls I can see the way you look at Ururaka.

Eijiro Kirishima

Bakugou stared at the letter, he froze still. He wanted to cry but no tears came out. I-I need to talk to him. He grabbed his jacket and walked out the door, "I nEed to go for a waLk." His voice cracked as he slammed the door shut and went for a walk.

Heart-Broken (Original)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora