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Today I had to write a paper saying how guns can be good,
Stating "facts",
Saying guns don't kill, people do,
Saying how you can use guns for protection, not just destruction,
I justified the actions of something that took someone I loved away from me,
Once, someone told me that if someone wanted to shoot up a school,
They should just kill themselves,
I told them they just needed help,
That most of them had a mental illness
That we shouldn't hold someone accountable for things beyond their control,
When I was writing that paper,
I realized,
I advocated for a killer,
I still feel disgusted by my own skin,
By my own mind,
I defended someone that caused so much carnage,
Maybe that's not a big thing to some,
But to me,
I defended a murder,
How can I justify that?
How can anyone?


How fun schools been.

Kisses <3

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