"She used to be such a kind and happy person.. my aunt raised her, so how could she not be?" said Mikoto. "But.. one day, we were out playing in the yard. See my aunt had one of those old country houses back in the day when my mom's side of the family still had plenty of money."

"Your grandmother.. of course, she was that famous singer who went missing but was never found, and your mother and aunt inherited millions from her, I remember." said Saber.

"Yep.. it was like a cabin and mansion in one, that country house.. but.. when we were playing in the yard.. and we noticed something  buried nearby... it was gold... to be more specific.. it was a gold chalice, an artifact that was suspected to be from... well... "

Mikoto sighed. "Here's one of the reasons why I never told you this story before.."

Mikoto handed Saber another piece of paper, this time a News Article clipping titled. "Two Children find Discovery of a Lifetime."

Saber looked at the gold chalice in the picture.. she recognized the brand on the chalice.  

"This is from my court." Saber said. "You.. you found an artifact from Camelot.." 

"My Aunt's summer home was in Caerleon, South Wales." said Mikoto. "Where people theorize your main court was. Now that I think about it.. when we went back in time, and I saw Camelot, that lake did look familiar. "

"So what happened after you found the chalice?" Saber asked.

"Me and Stacy got excited, we brought the chalice over to our parents, and immediately they warned us not to tell anybody." said Mikoto. "See at the time, partso of Caerleon was owned by a millionare business man, guy named Kibito.. weird huh.. his name's like the guy who killed Samurai me..  anyways, this Kibito was just as ruthless as Kibito the Butcher.  If he found out that we were on top of a possible dig site... it didn't matter that we owned the house, he owned the land.. he would tear us apart just to get at the possible millions in Camelot Artifacts."

Saber nodded. It honestly astounded her at how Capitalism in the 21st century had turned people even more dishonest than the Darkest of Black Magic Practicioners. People so willing to step on others to make it to the top. 

"I didn't listen.. My thought was that it would be so cool if me and Stacy could get famous for discovering King Arthur's Chalice." said Mikoto. "My head was big and full of dreams.. "

"Like any child." said Saber.

"Like any STUPID child." Mikoto said, gritting her teeth, shutting her eyes as the memory pained her.  "Stacy didn't want me to, she said that we needed to listen to our parents.. she was always the smarter one..  But I went on a phone book and I called our local neighbor, who was an archaeologist.. next thing we knew, News Crews were all over the lawn, and so were Kibito's lawyers.."

"You were kicked off the home.." said Saber.

"He did more than that.. " Mikoto said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "He took EVERYTHING my aunt owned.. EVERYTHING! Her money.. her property... he found ways to plant evidence, create false documents, so he could repossess things he never owned before.. all so that he could make sure my aunt NEVER was able to claim the digsite.  And he even framed her for various crimes to take away her credibility.. when Stacy told me her mom died.. she meant that Aunt Minako died in prison.. in prison.. for life.. for murder."

Saber stared, her jaw open with shock.

"But.. I wasn't so unlucky.. despite our family's inheritance from Mom's side being torn to shreds, my Dad was rich thanks to his job with Aleister Crowley, very high up with the administrator of Academy City." said Mikoto.  "So we were able  get off okay.. my Mom tried to adopt Stacy, but she refused to go with us... she blamed me for what happened.. she told me before the Social Workers took her... that she would never forgive me for what I did."

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 4: Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now