Chapter 21-Savage

Start from the beginning

Boudreau had an almost angry expression on his face. "Now, son, ye'd best be listenin' ta me on this 'un. Either ya calm yerself down now, or get outta here."

"I'm not-" Savage started, but stopped when he caught sight of the look on Boudreau's face. "Fine." He snarled, then whirled around and left the room. They all heard the hallway door slam behind him.

"Okay." Roe said cheerfully. "Now that he's gone, we can talk. As I said before, I was doing what Mr. Marsden told me to."

Boudreau and Parker looked at each other, then back at Roe. "What do you mean?" Parker asked.

"Didn't he tell you why he had me here?"

"No, he just said to give you what you wanted." Parker answered her.

Boudreau just shrugged.

"He told me that he wanted me to get them to create a vampire werewolf hybrid." When Parker and Boudreau just stared at her, she asked "What do y'all think you're doing here, if not that?"

Boudreau answered her. "I was tole tha' this was a sorta prison facility for rogue wolves and vampires. Parker, do ya know wha' she's a talkin' 'bout?"

"I was told we were experimenting on rogues to see why they were like that." He said slowly. "I never questioned it until you were involved because they always seemed crazy to me."

Roe nodded. "I think we may all have been lied to." She looked at Parker. "Why did you think that humans were brought here?"

"What humans?" Parker asked. "There are no humans here, besides you."

"Mr. Marsden told me that he would provide me with humans for them to experiment on, in order to create his hybrid."

"I haven't seen any." Parker replied.

"I've seen a couple 'round 'ere." Boudreau said. "But they all seemed like they'd done los' their minds. They acted crazy."

"Where were they?" Parker asked. "Why haven't I seen them?"

Boudreau looked away. "We were tole na ta letcha see 'em. Savage said 'twas Marsden's orders."

Ask them if they know that Savage is part were, please. Roe told Shane telepathically.

"Did you know that Savage is part werewolf?" Shane asked.

"What!?" Parker exclaimed. "He can't be."

"Yes, he is. Haven't you noticed how much growling and snarling he does?" Shane asked them. "He probably can't shift. He may not even know what he is, but he is part werewolf."

"I have to tell Major Marsden." Parker said with a sense of urgency, then whirled around and left the room.

Boudreau looked out the door after him, then turned back to look at Roe. "Are you sure that you're okay?"

Roe nodded.

Roe, look at him with your witch sight. See what you can see. Adrian said to her.

Roe didn't worry about asking him why, she just opened up her witch sight. He's glowing. Like there's a spell on him or something.

Okay. Adrian replied.

There's more to it than that, but I'll ask him about it later. "So, how about you let us go now that you know that we're not rogues?" She asked Boudreau.

"I don' kno' that yer not rogues. I dunno wha's goin' on 'round 'ere, but I aim ta find out." Boudreau said scowling, then he left too.

"Well, alrighty then." Roe said, moving out from behind the bed. "How are you two feeling?"

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