two: fine. I'll do it.

127 6 2

It had been months since I had seen him. A part of me wished that i could just forget him, but the other part wanted so bad to see him again. Who am I kidding? I didn't even know his name. But there was something about him, something almost intriguing. But I couldn't quite say what it was.

I had only mentioned him once to my best friend, Amelia, a few days after. She seemed to not care very much, but she wasn't really that good at giving advice.

"Do you believe in love at first sight," I asked.

"Hell no, y/n. That's bull shit. Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know. I met this guy and I really like him"

Well liked him.

"What was his name?"

"He didn't tell me," I sighed

"Wow really sounds like love," she chuckled, "maybe you should just forget about him."

"Yeah. I guess. It was stupid anyways."

But I couldn't just forget about him. Even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to.

"Y/n?" Amelia squeaked as she joined me at my locker. I smiled at her. "Guess what?"

"What?" I said pretending I was actually interested in what she was going to say.

"Stranger things just announced a season 3," she squealed.

Amelia had been trying to get me to watch stranger things for months because it was her favorite show. But I watch the first 2 minutes of it and I was already bored so I went back to watching greys anatomy.

"Cool," I responded sarcastically.

"Have you even watched it,"she asked placing her hand on her hip.

"No. It just wasn't for me," i shrugged.

"Come on y/n." She rolled her eyes. "How about, since it's my birthday in a few days, you watch stranger things for me. And not just the first 2 minutes."

"Fine. I'll do it," I sighed, "but I'm blaming wasting my weekend on you."

"I'm ok with that." She replied.

I got my textbook from my locker and locked it.

Amelia and I walked to first period together while she ranted about her mileven depression. She said I would have it by the end of the weekend. I doubt that's true.

After the last class of the day I walked over to the bus. There were no seats except for one by a boy in my class.

I unwilling sat down next to the school's bad boy, Jacob.

"Hi y/n," he greeted me.

"Hey Jacob," I half smiled. I did feel a little bit awkward because he had always tried to hit on me and make me feel uncomfortable.

"What are you up to tonight," he asked. He was annoying me. A lot.

"Nothing,"I replied a tone that showed how annoyed I was.

"Oh, well I could come over and do nothing with you," he winked. Ew.

"It's ok. Thanks for offering though,"
I gave him probably the fakest smile I had ever given anyone and continued to scroll through Instagram.

"Anytime, y/n/n," he smirked.

Thank fucking god that I was getting off at that moment, because If i wasn't then i would still be stuck next to Jacob.

As I waked the few blocks it took to get to my apartment, I played some music. Post Malone's new album. It was a real bop.

Once I reached my room, I plopped my backpack on the ground and rolled onto my bed with my laptop. I clicked on Netflix and started over the episode that i had watched before. Not gonna lie I was kinda interested this time I watched it.

Then I saw something. Well not something, someone. I paused the screen and blinked a few times just to make sure I wasn't imagining all of it.

There right in front of me, on the screen of my laptop, was the boy. The strange boy that I had met only weeks before.

I opened another tab and looked up the cast.

He was the first one. His name on big bold letters.

Finn wolfhard

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