Chapter 4 - Timber and Wood

Start from the beginning

Jon scratched the back of his head.

Was he really contemplating of going back?

No. Not really. Even if he went back, it would only be to check on Vanessa, who had found her happiness in the rowdy Blackwood's Alpha. Jon meant his last words to the now reigning Monarch, he better be taking good care of his cousin or else Jonathan had no problem of pummeling down his successor. Vanessa was his hope. If she could fight passed the sorrow, so could Jonathan.

Fight or die trying.

The soft sigh snapped Jonathan attention to the sitting room. She wolves and books! Romantic lies that had nothing to do with the harsh life! His erratic behavior, despite being expected considering Jonathan's circumstances, must be totally out of bounds for Avery. She had no clue who he actually was and or why he was in his current state of distress. It took courage to take a leap of faith with a stranger, to open your house to a rogue.

One minute he would want to thank Avery for everything that she had done for him; then next minute he was ready to strangle her for the obvious lack of respect. Maybe Jonathan needed to strangle the source of all evil – Juliette. She was responsible for him to act like a hormonal she-wolf in heat!

Being rejected made you feel broken...unwanted... scarred for the rest of your life!

Reckless - that's what they had called Vanessa's brush-ins with the Law.

Jonathan wondered what they would call him? The Mad Monarch... Or would they opt for insane? Or even berserk? He was curious. As soon as he got the answers he wanted, he would then kill all who had spoken the insult.

A sinister grin got plastered on his face.

He took a deep breath chasing away the murderous thoughts. He would not slip once again and risk mauling down the irritating redhead in the next room. Even though she had proven to be a constant thorn in his backside, he had to acknowledge the fact that he was recovering and it was largely due to her persistence to make him shift. Oh, but she thought she was so much more clever than him! Her gradual manipulation has certainly not gone unnoticed! Jon had seen though her farce twenty seconds after he shifted!

A lot could happen in just twenty seconds and it only proved that Jonathan wasn't ready to leave. He was not on top of his game. He was healing, but not yet recovered. Avery provided the security, the baseline that he could compare himself to. Her mad cooking skills and cozy cabin were additional perks of his "recuperation".

She must be a psychiatrist or something. Nobody could manipulate others with such an ease without having some sort of training. Even Pack Law had never had a Profiler that good to be able to persuade and work with traumatized wolves. Post traumatic stress disorder wasn't only a thing from the human world. Werewolves were just as susceptible to it. Jon had to admit, even on the expense of his pride – he had sustained an unbearable trauma.

He was hurt.

Mortally wounded!

Avery was that good at getting her way and it irritated him to no end. No wonder he was being a dominate testosterone filled jerk in front of her! She needed to know she got caught in the crossfire, in the aftermath of his rejection, but his stupid pride would not let him tell her. He didn't want her pity, compassion or whatever you wanted to call it! He wanted her awe and approval.

Why would he suddenly care about what a mere she-wolf thought of him?

He didn't know her. Hell, it was nerve racking to share air with her.

But somehow he wanted to impress her; especially after she had made it clear she doesn't want his attention. Didn't that remind him of Nessa's little obsession with Joel? She had become overly touchy where Joel was concerned about the third month of her "recovery", a loose term that applied to rejected wolves.

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