Chapter 10: Red and Purple Muscle confession

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Michelle's POV:
Isn't been 9 weeks since our tiny adventure, and I'm so happy to be half human again, and so did the others. I guess we'll have to thank Mr. Fenton for that.

I've been hanging out with Raph ever since, we like to train and we both have anger issues, but thanks to me his anger's now under control. The others are shocked when this happened, especially since this one time Mikey tried to pull a prank on him and Raph would've attack him, if I haven't touched his shoulder.

They were so shocked that it happened and they have no idea what to say. But Raph and I grew closer and closer. It's so weird, I never felt this shy and nervous around a guy before, it's not like me. Danny and the other girls couldn't believed I've fallen in love with a guy. And honestly, I don't blame 'em.

I'm in my room with Diablo, reading a magazine about the ranch until I heard knockin' on my door. "Come in!" I yelled and the door opened to see Raph. "Hey Raph!" I said happily, "Hey Misha." He said, then he saw Diablo. "Hey Diablo." Raph said, Diablo neighs in greeted.

"So, is there something you wanna talk about?" I asked, "Yeah, can we talk outside in private?" Raph said, "Oh, sure." I said, following him out of my room and to the rooftop.

3rd person's POV:
"Alright, Raph. You can do this!" Raph thought to himself as he stood in front of Michelle. "So, what do you want to talk about?" "I just want to tell you... about how I... feel." Raph said nervously as he blushed.

Michelle blushes as well, "Is he gonna say what I think he's gonna say?" She thought nervously. "I never had the courage to tell you this until now." Raph confessed shyly. "I'm in love with you. I know its been months since we met but... when I'm with you... I don't feel so alone and misunderstood. Every time I'm near you, you make me feel wanted, cared for and most of all, happy. I can't offer much due to my appearance. But I want you to know that I'll always be here by your side. Michelle, you change me for the better."

Michelle couldn't help but smile at him as tears of happiness formed in her eyes. "And I love you Raph. I honestly never would of thought I would fall in love, my friends thought the same thing and same for everyone in Amity Park years ago. But, it was love at first sight when I first met you. You came into my life and change me."

They stare into each other's eyes and blush lightly. "Misha." Raph spoke out softly as he took out a little box. "This is for you." Misha took the box and slowly opened it.

When she did, she softly gasps at what she saw: it was a necklace that has a mustang horse galloping.

When she did, she softly gasps at what she saw: it was a necklace that has a mustang horse galloping

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"Raph. It's... It's beautiful. I love it." Without anymore hesitation, Texas cowgirl pulled the red masked turtle to her and kissed him. The red masked turtle was shock at first, but he slowly kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Once they pulled away, they were staring into each other's eyes. "Where have you been all my life?" Raph asked breathlessly as he stared lovingly into her eyes. "Waiting." Michelle said, smiling as she stared lovingly into his emerald green eyes.

"Michelle, will you be my girlfriend?" Michelle couldn't help but smile at him as tears of happiness formed in her eyes.

"Yes Raphael. I will be your girlfriend." The two lean in slowly and kissed again as Raph also lifed his foot in the air. Both Raphael and Michelle are together and nothing could ever change that.

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