Not Your Puppet (H2Ohm)

711 27 0

Prompt: ^^

People: Jonathan & Ryan

Word Count: 1177
~*^Third Person^*~

The male had been on the run for days now, trying to escape his captors. Everywhere he went, people thought he was insane. His baby blue eyes so wide and pierced with fear. His captors had been trying to get something out of him. What it is they want, he doesn't know. But they've been poking and prodding at him for so long, he was broken. There was nothing left that would keep him from finding his freedom. From escaping the horror of that lab. All he was focused on now was getting as far away from them as possible.

He had asked them why they were doing this to him. The only thing they had said in response was that they were trying to get him to do what he was made to do. Each and every day they tested him, they would leave him in a room with one doctor, and a knife. Every time he saw the knife, he hand an itching to pick it up, but his better judgment kept it from happening. He was left in that room for two hours with that doctor. And every time, they would always be disappointed or annoyed by the outcome. He had felt like a dog chained to a fence. Freedom in his sights, but unable to be reached.

He heard shouts coming from behind him as he ran. The doctors were catching up to him. His legs felt weak, he was tired and hungry. It's been a week since he's had a proper meal or rest. Somehow. Just, somehow, they always managed to find him. They never caught him, no. He'd rather die then let them catch him again. He turned into an alleyway, racing for the fire escape on the side of the building. He clambered up the rusty ladder, only looking back once as he scrambled over the ledge of the roof. The voices got closer below, before disappearing behind the next building.

The male closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, which was overcome as he felt a hand press against his mouth. He tried to jolt upwards and out of this mans grip, but was held down. He could only feel one person on him, but this male was strong enough to restrain him on his own. Then again, he wasn't in the best condition right now. He opened his eyes, and saw one of the scientists standing over him. He recognized this scientist. He was often the one in the room as they poked him. He had a grey bandanna tied around his neck. His white lab coat was covering a plain black top. Blue jeans covered his legs, and he wore a pair of grey converse. His brunet hair spike up as his hazel eyes bore into blue ones. He remembered that he was called 'Dr. Ohm'. The doctor leaned down so that he could whisper in his ear.

"Make any sound, and you'll only make things worse for you." The male shivered at this doctors tone. Then, he was being hauled to his feet, and pushed towards the stair well leading into the abandoned building. The male had started shaking out of fear. He didn't want to go back to these horrible people. He wanted to be free, he wanted to be able to see the waves crashing onto sandy shores. Wanted to be able to return to his childhood home that he's seen in several dreams. He didn't want to be a prisoner. And yet, he let this doctor push him down the stairs, and into one of the separate rooms.

Sitting in the centre of the room was a knife. It's metal surface glowed in the yellow lights cast from the flashlight lantern sitting in the right corner of the room. The wooden floorboards creaked under foot. The building probably was an old outlet store or some kind motel. The room had evidence of human beings. A hole in the wall here. An unnatural stain there. Living people have been here. Such a shame that no one was here to help this male. Especially as he was shoved into the centre of the room, landing on the floor next to the knife. The doctor made a tsking sound as he slowly paced up to the male.

"You know, it's sad, Subject 430- er, should I call you Jonathan." The doctor gave the male a grin so evil, his entire body tried to convulse in one giant shiver. "You have so much potential. But you refuse what it is that you were made to do." The doctor stopped at the subjects feet, staring down at him. The doctor crouched. "Why don't you help me instead then, hmm? The only reason why I agreed to work on you was to use you to kill off those other scientists. What d'ya say? Help me out, and I'll let you go free. Besides, it is what you were mad-" the male on the ground kicked the doctor in the chest.

He was done. Hearing people continually say what he was made for, broken memories had slowly moved together. Now, he remembered everything. The doctor on the ground gave a few gasping breaths before staring at Jonathan, a cruel smile now on his lips. Jonathan clutched at his ears.

"Stop saying that!" He begged. "I wasn't made to do anything! I'm a normal person! I'm not going to do what you want!" The doctor let out a laugh. This had Jonathan turning to look at him, lowering his arms as he moved into a crouching position.

"You think you have a choice? Look, that's sweet and all, but it's time you pick up the knife, and do what you were made to do." This had the subjects blood roaring. The fact that they thought they could keep him like a pet. Use him like some kind of tool? It drove him over the edge. He looked to the knife, and watched, as his anger and some creature inside him took over. His hand, changing into that of a monsters, picked up the knife. The doctor just laid there, smiling that he had finally gotten the subject to release it.

But he didn't want to let them win. Crawling on his hand and knees, he kept the knife so it was dragging against the wooden floorboards. Once he was over top of the doctor, he raised his hand and brought the knife down. With a dull thunk, the knife was buried halfway down the blade into the wood, right by the doctors head. Jonathan leaned in.

"If you ever dare to come looking for me again, I will not hesitate to end us both." He growled. A promise. The doctors eyes widened.

" can't die!" He exclaimed. "You need to end everything by killing them. That's the main reason why I took you as a subject!" Jonathan stood up and glared down at doctor Ohm. He felt his arm shift back to normal. Jonathan merely whispered one thing.

"I'm not your puppet."

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