Emma: WHEN?!

Robin: Just now, our first date is the 31st of Feb

Emma: Oh have fun

- - -

Emma: I'd rather see you in this


Regina: There's nothing there

Regina: OH!

Regina: That was smooth

- - -

Emma: Why ride a rollercoaster when you can ride me?

Regina: Because rollercoasters can make me scream

Emma: Suuure...If the marks on my back say anything...

Ruby: Can you guys keep it in your pants for a second?!

- - -

Emma: You're the most gorgeous human being I've ever seen

Regina: Just say what you want

Emma: I want my jacket back

Regina: ...No

- - -

Regina: I assure you, I’m not jealous, I just get a horrible burning feeling in my stomach when I think about Emma with someone else.

Ruby: That’s jealously.

Robin: Or heartburn, have you been eating spicy foods lately?

- - -

Robin: Hey

Regina: Who’s this? I lost all my contacts

Robin: The person you love the most

Regina: Emma hi! ❤

Robin: ..it’s Robin

Regina: Oops

- - -

Emma: I just wanna take all your clothes off

Regina: please fold them neatly

- - -

Emma: Z is just a sideways N

Regina: it’s 3am please stop

Emma: Zo

- - -

Regina: there's a big sale going on

Emma: where?

Regina: In my room, clothes are 100% off

Emma: Sold

- - -

Emma: My friend thinks you're cute and wants to be your Valentine date

Regina: What friend?

Emma: Me, I’m the friend

- - -

Regina: You could have died!

Robin: I wasn’t hurt that badly; the doctor said all the bleeding was internal, thats where blood's supposed to be

Emma: Give him back to the attackers

- - -

Regina: You have no idea what i’m capable of!

Emma: Don’t take it personally but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake

- - -

Regina: Please, for me?

Emma: don’t do that

Regina: What?

Emma: You think every time you say “Please, for me?” I’ll do whatever you want. Well, not this time

Regina: ...

Regina: Please, for me?

Emma: Okay

- - -

Snow: You rude gardening tool!

Regina: …Did you just indirectly call me a hoe?

A/N: Well this sure was random 😂😂 None of these jokes or whatever belong to me. I saw these on Twitter and thought I'd change the characters to OUAT characters and share these with you 😂😂

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading and voting!

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