17 // not so blank disc.

Start from the beginning

He turned his head towards me and gave me a knowing look. "Then I'd have my work cut out for me."

We both laughed.

"I mean, on a more serious note, I wouldn't mind having a girl either," he said, once the humor had left his system. "I'd spoil her rotten of course and never let her leave my sight. Either or would be fine with me but a healthy baby, whether boy or girl is what really matters."

I nodded my head.

"Are you excited for the pageant?" Wren asked after a few seconds of silence.

I shrugged. "At first I was but now I don't know."

"What's changed your mind about it?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was thrilled to be apart of it but now it just seems like such a hassle. I feel awkward as hell trying to walk sexy down a runway just to turn back around and walk back to where I started. Not only that, but I have to do it in heels."

He turned in his seat a little bit. "Shawna's good at what she does because well, it's what she does. Do what makes you comfortable and don't feel bad about how you look. You don't have to walk sexy to be sexy."

"You think I'll make it out on top?" I asked.

"Sure. You're beautiful inside and out and of course, your biggest accessory is my child that you're carrying. No one else has that. No one else can beat that."

I laughed.

"I'm not only talking about the pageant."

I immediately stopped laughing.

"Well, um," I cleared my throat. "Since we're obviously talking about this conflict you're having with yourself, lets address it. I've thought about it since yesterday and I don't want to beat Shawna. Whether you still love her or not, she was here first. Not only that, but you two are about to have a child," I murmured. "Whatever you feel for me will fade away as soon as I leave."

"I know that Shawna and I are about to have a child, but I also know that I don't want the day that you give birth to be the last day I see you, Lesra."

"Alright, so we're all checked in," Shawna cheered, causing Wren to abruptly stop talking. She ran a hand under her sundress before taking a seat next to me. "I'm just so excited!" She exclaimed. "Aren't you Warren?"

"Mhhm," He nodded with a small smile.

I sunk down into my chair. I already had so much to worry about in my life. It seemed things were only being added on. He wanted to still see me after all of this but my plans were to run and never look back as soon as I gave birth. I came into this with the sole purpose of getting one thing out; the money I needed for my mom. That was it.

After what seemed like forever, one of the nurses called us up and showed us into a room.

"Don't stress about it too much," Wren whispered to me. "There's still a lot of time."

I sat down on the reclined chair and rolled up my shirt so that my stomach was exposed. Dr. Morris walked in minutes later with the usual clip board in hand.

"Looks like I've got myself another pair of eagers," Dr. Morris teased as he situated himself on the swivel chair.

Shawna's eyes widened. She was confused by the doctors words.

"Oh don't worry," Dr. Morris began to explain himself. "I just refer to families that reschedule this kind of appointment to find out what they're having as 'eagers'. Not the most original term, I know, but i'm a 56 year old man. I make things up as I go."

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