Building A Harem? Ch. 8.1

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Sleep improved Alex's mood and she awoke cheery, even with her morning confusion. She smiled groggily at Razz, who snuggled closer and gazed with his usual adoration at her.

Rile lay still next to Alex from long experience with her morning-muddled mind.

After a few minutes of either looking around the room or watching Razz, Alex blinked and said, "Razz needs help. Where is the salve for his neck?"

Rile shrugged so Razz said, "It is stored in that cabinet. I put it back where Zilik had taken it. Do you wish me to get it?"

"Of course." Alex sat up. "Don't worry, I'll numb the wound before I apply the medicine."

Razz slid out of bed and retrieved the blue crystal jar. He handed it to Alex but she handed it to Rile, who then sat up as well.

Alex patted the bed next to her with a golden sparkling hand and Razz hopped up. The pretty gold flashes twinkled as they either sank into the healing wound or bounced on the bed and then died.

At length, Alex poked the edge of the wound. When Razz made no sign of discomfort, she signaled to Rile, who opened the jar. Alex scooped out the silver cream and lavished it on the gash.

"What's on the agenda?" she asked Razz as she worked. "You seem to know everything going on."

"My brother is here. His mate is a minor dignitary in the Kuni's court."

"And?" Alex asked with suspicion.

"She is here to duel you," Razz said.

Alex groaned. "She won't challenge me for Rile, will she?"

"By law no one can challenge you for him for at least a month, longer if the Kuni says so."

"I'm not exactly in her favor."

"Please." Razz laid a small hand on her arm. "Please save my brother."

Alex sighed and stretched her arms up slowly. "How big is his mate? Is this what you were thinking would kill me? Like I said, there are more important things to kill me in line ahead of that. Do you want me to fight in that revolution or not?"

"No, she is not large. She thinks much of her fighting ability, but she is no Cla. You can best her easily. She cannot be too sure of herself, for she brought my brother, the least of her mates. She will only issue a traditional challenge, not one to the death. She favors her right hand and her left foot is missing its smallest claw. She will stumble on it."

"Zilik will kill me himself if I keep challenging females for their mates," Alex grumbled.

"She beats him terribly."

"Why didn't you say do in the first place? Let's go." Alex smiled a terrible smile. "I love handing bullies their due."

"Softie," Rile whispered in her ear.

"You'd do the same, Guardian of the universe. You're coming with me to watch my back. These so-called warriors love ambushes." Alex strapped on her scabbard and sword.

"Watch who you call Guardian of the universe, Guardian of the universe." Rile grinned at her as he buckled on his own sword and scabbard.

Before they reached the door, it was flung open by Crota. The Chameleon guard yelled, "Incoming!"

"I have made it!" Crota dropped his heavy leather satchel on the floor and lifted his arms over his head. "I will condescend to allow you to hug me in celebration of my masterpiece: The Freedom Collar!"

Rile stared in disbelief and then Alex giggled. Crota dropped his arms and the red pouch on his neck inflated and deflated as his expression darkened in anger.

Guardians: Away Mission Book 2 of the Guardians Saga COMPLETED except for editsWhere stories live. Discover now