Never Argue with Bathing, Resting, and Partying Ch. 4.2

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Zilik and Alex sat side by side in Zilik's carriage. Zilik sat upright but Alex slumped down, arms across her chest, and stared at the floor.

Zilik looked straight ahead as he said, "That was unwise."

"I'm not known for my wisdom," Alex told the floor.

"There was no way for you to win."

"What do you suggest I do? Curl up in a cage?" Alex's anger flared and the air seemed to crackle around her.

Zilik tilted his head in interest rather than fear. He leaned back on the bench and crossed hisarms. "No, but stop fighting a losing battle. Let me show you what else this world has to offer."

"I can look, but not touch."

"Who told you not to touch?" Zilik asked in surprise. "Touch away with me."

"Excuse me?" Alex scooted farther away from him on the carriage seat. "What part of monogamous don't you understand?"

"The part where you're monogamous to someone who left with another female that he impregnated."

Alex slid a sideways look at Zilik. "That was brutal."

Zilik smiled a sympathetic smile. "You asked. That truth is brutal. There is no need to keep a contract when the other party has broken it. You should explore other options, be more adaptable."

"Adaptable?" Alex asked.

"The philosophy of my kind."

"Not a bad philosophy," Alex admitted.

"Excellent. I'll take you back to the Institute now that we've chatted. You'll bathe, rest, and then I'm taking you to a party. Don't argue," Zilik ordered.

"I never argue with bathing, resting, and partying." Alex settled comfortably on the seat.


When Zilik came to pick her up, Alex was dressed in what she called the mood ring outfit. He opened a box and pulled out a sparkling of faceted emeralds,peridots, and garnets.

Before Alex could protest, he said, "I only borrowed it, so be careful." He fastened it around her neck and fussed with it before producing matching bracelets. "We're leaving your hair unbraided. It's beautiful. There, you're fit to see the Council President. Let's go."

The party's position was marked by a sumptuous table of game meats set on platters of silver.

Plates were piled in a line between the smoked hams, sausages, and head cheese.

Pulled in from apple-wood, the aromatic wood smoke wafted with the cake aroma.

Mostly Chameleons we're in attendance, but there was a scattering of other species. Zilik seated Alex at a table and left to get drinks.

Alex looked up to see the most beautiful blue lizard she had ever seen standing over her. She was the color of the sea rendered in a bright turquoise as if it had been distilled from the very depths of the ocean.

Her spikes glinted in the sunlight, her scales gleamed like mother-of-pearl. Elaborate jewelry of cabochon gems of cat's eye, garnet, and violet amethyst dangled from her neck and wrists.

A  Draconinae lizard, the calm part of her mind told her.

"So you're Zilik's newest plaything," the blue lizard said.

"That's me." Alex raised her glass in a mock toast.

She isn't Cla and can't hurt me.

"He likes the new and unusual, but he'll tire of you soon enough and move on," the Draconinae  said, haughty with knowledge.

Guardians: Away Mission Book 2 of the Guardians Saga COMPLETED except for editsWhere stories live. Discover now