Chapter 15-Recovery

Start from the beginning

Shane growled at her.

"I know that you're impatient. Would you like me to get two checked for you?"

Shane quit growling, and nodded his head.

"Okay. I'll be right back." She quickly grabbed two steaks from the right side of the refrigerator and carried them in to Adrian.

"How is he?"  Adrian asked as soon as he saw her.

"Well, he seems to not think that I'm the devil anymore. He ate what I gave him without hesitation and wanted more." She shrugged then held up the steaks in her hands.  "Would you please check these too?  They're both from the right side of his fridge."

Adrian took the steaks one at a time and smelled them.  He handed her one back and said "That one smells fine, but this one smells off somehow.  It's not the same smell as the other drugged one.  I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but something is."

"Okay. I'll go give him this one and bring a couple more in for you to check.  Hopefully, he'll be himself soon and can smell his own meat." Roe smiled at him.

"That would be nice." Adrian said.  "When you come back in, would you be so kind as to bring me another bottle of blood?"

"Of course I will.  I'll be right back." Roe walked back through the bathroom, not wanting to get too close to Shane in case he tried attacking her again. She walked up to Shane and stopped.

"I'm going to hand you this steak, and go check another one. Don't try to bite me." She held the steak out just far enough for him to reach it. He took it and immediately began to devour it.  She got a couple more steaks from the refrigerator and took them into Adrian's room.  On her way over to him, she also grabbed a couple of bottles of blood. She handed him the steaks to smell while she opened the bottles.

He smelled the steaks and said,  "Both of these smell clean. Which side did they come from?"

"One from each."  She said wryly. "Apparently they don't want y'all over drugged, or under drugged either.  They've got them all mixed up in there."

"Hmm. I wonder why they did that."

"More than likely, they didn't count on me actually talking to you.  If I didn't, I'd just hand you a bottle and go."

"Well, that would make sense on their part. They want us drugged so we can't fight back, but why wouldn't they want us completely out of it?"

"They want something from y'all, and they want me to get it.  That's part of what I have to tell y'all, but I'd rather see if I can get Shane coherent first, since it involves all three of us. "

"Okay, I can understand that.  But if he doesn't come out of it soon, you need to tell me."

Roe nodded. "I will." She traded him the bottles for the steaks.  "Is either of those drugged?"

Adrian smelled the bottles. "No, neither of them is."

"Do you want both of them, or should I put one back?"

"I'll try to drink both of them, since we have no idea what the others are like, or when we may get more that's not drugged."

"Yeah.  There's no telling what they're going to do next. I'm going to go give these to Shane, then try to do the spell on him."

Adrian nodded. "I'll be here."

Roe smiled at him, then turned to go back into Shane's room. He seems to be warming up to me. He's turning out to be a lot less stuck up and stuffy than the other really old vampires I've met were. If I didn't know he was old I never would've guessed, the way he's acting now.

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