I remember one time he told me how every time he had to go to a victims house and tell them that someone in their family has passed away, that it makes him think of what he might do if someone came to his house and told him it was one of his parents... Or me.

"Maya!" Farkle yelled causing me to snap back into reality.

"Yeah. I'll go see him tonight." I told him causing him to look at me weirdly. "What? I will, I promise." I told him. Farkle just nodded his head before turning around and leaving. I sighed as I stuck the piece of paper in my pocket and walked out behind him.
Later that night I drove up to Josh's apartment. I called Riley and got the address from her after she told me the other night that she and Josh had talked and made plans to hang out again. I shut off my car and got out before making my way up the driveway and to his front door. It was nice small little place that he had gotten for rent. I took a breath before knocking on the door. I could hear shuffling from the other side before the door abruptly opened catching me off guard. By the looks of Josh's face, I was the last person he suspected to see.

"Hi." I said after a moment of silence. He leaned on his doorframe and tried to hide whatever it was in his hand from me.

"Hey." He said. I looked over his shoulder and cringed as I noticed the many beer bottles sitting on his coffee table. Josh was never a big drinker, only when I wasn't there.

"You drunk?" I asked with no humor in my voice whatsoever.

"Working on it." He replied with as much dead tone as I had used. "Come on in." He said as he stepped aside and let me through the door. I hesitated before I walked in letting him shut the door behind me. "I would have cleaned up a little if you would have told me you were coming." He said. I let out a chuckle.

"Since when have you ever been big on impressions?" I asked. I was the one that was so obsessed with everything being perfect with company. Josh couldn't have cared less. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Since the person that was supposed to do all the cleaning left me." I raised my eyebrow. Now I knew for sure that Josh had to be a little bit buzzed because he would never say that to me in his right mind.

"Sexist much?" I asked with humor. He on the other hand didn't find it funny.

"High maintenance much?" He retorted causing me to roll my eyes. He took another swig at the bottle that was in his hands, that's what he was trying to hide from me earlier. Even though I could tell he had been drinking all night right when he opened the door.

"Josh." I snapped as I snatched the bottle of beer out of his hands ignoring his glare. "Stop. You and I both know that alcohol and you don't mix." Josh starred at me for a second before scoffing and plopping down on his couch.

"Now you care?" He asked sarcastically.

"I've always cared." I stated as I sat down beside him. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

"How did your meeting go?" He asked. I sighed as I reached out to my back pocket and gave him the paper. Just like Farkle he read the outline and chuckled. "Good. It will give your shoulder the proper time to heal." He said. Ha, do I know Josh or what.

"Yeah yeah.  I don't want to go." I admitted. Josh let out a fake gasp.

"There's a shocker. Maya Hunter not wanting to do what she's told. Hey Mr. Newspaper, why don't you give us something that we don't already know." He replied sarcastically as he did a phone motion with his hand bringing it up to his ear and acting like there was someone on the other end. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. You know how I am with opening up to strangers." I said as I started to play with my fingers. He nodded.

"I also know how stubborn you are." I rolled my eyes. "Look, Maya. I know that you're not over this whole thing with Carrie. Anybody with eyes can see that. Maybe this support group will be good for you, it gives you a chance to open up to people who don't know you and won't judge. Just give it a chance and by two weeks if you're not feeling it then I'll go ahead and tell your physiologist to give you the release form." I laughed.

"You can't do that. She's a professional, she had to see me as clear." I told him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Where there's a will there's a way." He replied nonchalantly. Suddenly thunder boomed from outside. I jumped a little bit. Josh knowing I was afraid of thunderstorms since I was a kid, patted me on the shoulder.

"I should get going before it gets to bad." I said as I started to get up. Suddenly a hand gripped on to mine.

"Don't." I looked down and saw Josh looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes. "Please, stay with me tonight." I widened my eyes at what he was suggesting. "We don't have to do anything, Maya. I-I just don't want to be alone tonight and I know you don't want to go and drive in that." He said referring to the thunder that was now getting louder and louder. I bit my lip as I hesitated and that's when I noticed it. The rear streaks that was on his cheek as well as the red and puffiness of his eyes. He had been crying. No matter how much I hated to admit it, my heart clenched up at the thought of Josh being so sad. I remembered the feeling of him being so clingy and cuddly when he was like this. Then again, I remember what it was like when he was sad and I wasn't around.

"As long as you promise, no more drinking." I whispered. He bit his lip before nodding his head. I sat back down beside him and closed my eyes as thunder rocked the apartment. When I opened them back up Josh smiled.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's in a vulnerable state right now." He joked. I shook my head as I laughed, and before I knew it, it was like nothing had ever changed between us.
Hope you enjoyed the extra long chapter! I know I'm a few days late and I'm really sorry but my new story is up! Go check it out its called betrothed.

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