chapter two

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"Hey princess", dad greeted in a low voice, "hey dad , so how are you?" I asked concerned, "I'm fine princess".

"Dad, she's not worth the pain" I said hearing his voice break.

I mean its been ten years since mom cheated on dad and left us , dad loved her and did everything for her but she just left him for her boss.

I want him to move on and stop hurting so much , sorry to say but my mom was a slut, how could she leave a good man like my dad?.

"Dad, I know how it feels to be heartbroken but punishing yourself while the other person happily moves on is not fair to you or your heart.

Find someone dad and open your heart to them then you'll see not everyone is the same . Give your heart a chance to love again trust me It'll be worth it".

"I know son but I can't do it every time I try to move on I remember her betrayal and it breaks me apart slowly".

"I understand dad it hurts and badly but give yourself a chance". "Alex!!" the manager from hell yelled making me sigh in annoyance.

"Dad I'll call you later I have to go now , I love you dad", "I love you too princess".

I hung up and got out of my dressing room , "what?!" I yelled annoyed he cut into my chat with my dad .

we don't have time to talk and the time we get is precious to me but no I can't have that .

"Your on in two minutes cup cake" I did my scene suppressing my anger after we were done I went to my dressing room that was as pink as ever I even made peace with it.

I sat down and took slow breaths, "are you okay?" Adrian, asked , "leave me alone", "not happening", "okay I'm upset now please leave".

"Okay I'll leave on one condition", "what is it?", "You cook for me tomorrow before coming to work".

I stared at him , "why would I cook for you?", "because I requested it" I raised my brow.

"okay I heard your a terrible cook" he smirked while saying that. "Where did you hear that Mr?", "A secret source" .

He was now grinning brightly making a smile appear on my face, I felt somewhat calm I was not upset anymore.

"Now that's my queen" I blushed at that, "queen?", "Yes since your dad already calls you princess I decided your my queen , besides queen gets top ranking so I win".

He grinned all silly , the goof, while I turned bright red and my heart raced .

"I have to go I'll see you tomorrow my queen" he whispered with a kiss to my cheek leaving me in a daze.

"Brat snap out of it!!" Mark, yelled making me glare at him.

"You have no time for daydreams you have a photoshoot in twenty minutes cup cake".

The photoshoot went well and when I got back to my room I called dad and we spoke a while before I fell asleep.

The movie was almost done now the hot scenes were supposed to be made but I was nervous .

Not of the scenes themselves nope, I was nervous because of the feelings I seem to have for Adrian.

"Okay start!" the director yelled , "Canada, I love you", he whispered while I closed my eyes then opened them.

"I love you too London, but we can't be together" , "why not?" he asked advancing towards me, my heart raced and not just on the scene but in real life.

I felt like I was losing myself a little too much to the scene. He held my waist as I answered, "because Schiller, is in love with you".

I looked away from his over hypnotic electric eyes.

He turned my head so our eyes can meet, it seemed so real the emotions shown in his eyes, was he really that into his role?.

His lips met mine and electric shocks went through my body making me moan.

"Cut!" the director yelled making us stop. I snapped out of it, "that was amazing, the raw emotion in that scene was intense".

"Yeah" I whispered to myself. Adrian, still stared at me making me uncomfortable and embarrassed.

I could still feel his touch , his strong arms around me, his unique smell, his lips.

"My queen your daydreaming again" Adrian, whispered to my ear making me jump startled and turn red in a deep blush.

I looked at him, "sorry about that", "its okay but I'm hungry though" I rolled my eyes , "come on I'll feed you".

He grinned happily , I gave him his meal that I cooked before coming to work today.

He ate and moaned happily making me blush and smile in pride.

I don't know why but I had the feeling I'd love to cook for him for the rest of our lives.

"Your a great cook sunshine , my secret source was so wrong about you", "sunshine?" He grinned "yes because you light up my world".

Was he flirting with me ?if he was it was so working, "your beautiful today by the way" I blushed making him chuckle.

"Thank you", "your welcome my queen" I got another kiss before he disappeared out the door.

I just smiled, what was dad going to think when he finds out I have all these feelings for a man?.

As the movie neared its finish , the scenes were just too heated for me especially when I was trying my hardest to stay focused on the movie.

He touched my thighs as his soft lips graced my pale neck sucking a mark on my skin claiming me as his .

I looked into his eyes and they had turned darker in lust, real lust which made my body all hot I fought back an erection , I was so happy this was our last hot scene.

His lips on mine made me moan and pull him closer by my arms that where wrapped around his neck.

It was like we were making love with how he was holding me, looking at me, his groans of untold pleasure and his small whispers.

This was making my mind a little hazy, he kissed a sweet trail down my chest to my flat stomach.

His large , yet soft hands had a strong grip on my ass, was this in the script? We were covered by a blanket so it was not like they knew how he was touching me.

My moans were real , my body yearned and begged for more. "Cut! That's a wrap people!" The director yelled making me just stare at the man who had not moved from his position on top of me.

"You did good" he whispered to my ear sending shivers down my spine.

He got of the bed and dressed up then left he seemed to be trembling somehow.

I stayed emotionless on the bed til manager from hell spoke. "Are you two in love or something?" He asked then I thought.

Do I love Adrian? No..or is it yes ? But its too soon no one can fall in love that quickly, or can they? My god I'm in love with Adrian Mills.

I got to my dressing room and just stood there my thoughts were in shambles, then soft lips met mine and strong arms pulled me closer by my waist .

I knew who was holding me , it was his scent , his lips , his touch , it made me close my eyes and fall into his spell I knew I could never escape.

"Alex Day, will you go out with me?" I bit my lip , "yes now kiss me please" and he did after a small chuckle.

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