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"(Y/N), NEO WAKE UP" I could hear Cinder yelling at us.

Neo was still asleep i nudged her a bit and she was still asleep, "NEO WAKE UP"

I didn't yell, But i was talking loudly, She woke up with an annoyed expression on her face, I stuck my tongue out at her and told her we had to go Cinder was calling. Neo got out of bed and started to change I quickly looked away feeling my face go red I ran into the bathroom and put on my new outfit (Needed so no one would recognize me from the fall of beacon)

 Neo got out of bed and started to change I quickly looked away feeling my face go red I ran into the bathroom and put on my new outfit (Needed so no one would recognize me from the fall of beacon)

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When i'm on missions i put the hood up and put on a mask (down below)

Neo came out wearing something similar but it was mostly white apart from the hood area, that was still black

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Neo came out wearing something similar but it was mostly white apart from the hood area, that was still black. We walked down the stairs where Cinder was standing with Mercury and Emerald they looked like they were in the middle of the chat,

"I'm sending you guys on a mission, You will be visiting Raven Branwen, She has delightfully agreed with our plans and you two will act like one of her tribe members"

"Seems easy enough right Neo!?" I say not hesitant at all to begin this mission Neo nodded her head and we took an airship to Ravens tribe, It actually didn't take as long as i thought it might have to get there.

Shortly after we arrived at Ravens tribe area we had a chat about the plan, Of course me and Neo weren't actually a huge part of the plan but we were to help if anything went wrong.. Which honestly would most likely happen, I mean Cinder? Shes not the strongest.. Even with her new powers or whatever I heard a motorbike in the distance and then I heard some yelling I told Neo to stay there and ran out to where I heard it from

"Maybe, But i doubt it, Afterall i'm her daughter" I heard a familiar voice talk...

"We're so dead.." one of the guys said

I watched in a distance as the girl started walking towards the direction of the tribe i was currently watching over, I caught a glance at the girl, she had blonde hair and purple eyes-- Oh.. It's Yang, I was warned she would come here. I put my hood up and put on my face mask and ran back to Neo

"Put your hood up and your mask on Yang is here" I said sternly letting Neo know i was serious.
Yangs strong but not as strong as most people make her out to be but comparing her to her mum she's nothing.
Just a flirtatious girl who takes temper tantrums whenever her hair gets touched but if she did recognise you it wouldn't be too bad.

Yang came into ravens tent and talked with her mum and keeping an eye on me and neo which we were standing in a corner listening and watching her every move.
"Why are they staring at me?"

I cut in before raven could answer

"Because you remind us of someone we hate" I had a voice changer in my outfit but at that moment when I said that the voice changer had faded away and Yangs eyes widened as she realised who I was.

"Yang I don't care how you know them but they joined my tribe so get over it"
Oh? Raven lied for us... smart but that won't do much for her especially since Yang has already been able to realise that we are connected with Salem somehow

Yang ignored the fact we were there and soon enough was out of there so we finished up our mission at ravens tribe and headed on to haven so we would be there to backup Salem's team.
Once we got there I realised something.

We're not going to win this fight...

The only reason I'm here is for Neo! And.. I've always wanted power but is this really worth it? I have power now and I'm going to have to fight people who I did consider a friend.. team r w b y including yang I still considered them friends but I could never act or show it. We are on the airship to go to haven alone right now.
"Neo do we have to do this! We could just run off we don't have to be like them"

Neo gave me a shocked expression but lowered her head.. she sign languaged to me, your right.. we can run off together (F/N)

"We'll turn on them during the battle and attack one of our own"
Neo agreed with me and we went on to a peaceful quiet trip.

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