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"come on now Ursa, We both know who will be the clear winner here don't we?"

A sly grin pulls across (Y/N) face as he runs at a tree, Epicly back flipping behind the big Ursa and slicing his neck with his slim katana making the Ursa perish before him, He then turns his katana into a gun so it can easily fit in his holster

"I know someone's watching, Come say hi.. I promise i don't bite"

Someone comes out from behind the some leaves.. She didn't say anything, She had beautiful hair.. It was like ice cream then we made eye contact..

"Well... It looks like we'll be partners"

She still says nothing, I begin to think she's a lost cause so i start to head towards where i would presume to be the way to the relics I hear footsteps run up behind me, It seems as if she was testing my reliability as a hunter.
I turn around so fast by the time i grab her hand she didn't even realize it Her eyes widened at my sudden movement waiting for the silence to be broken.

"Well, I guess your not a lost cause You don't seem to talk so I'm (F/N) (L/N) I'll learn your name when The professor calls out team names"

I let go of her hand and we made our way to the relic area and pick a pink horse chess piece, when Pyrrah and Jaunne come riding in with a giant death stalker on their tails, Ruby and Weiss also come in riding a flipping Nevermore!! Jeez could this get anymore interesting?

"(Y/N), Neapolitan, Mercury, Emerald, You all collected the Black and White chess pieces.. You make team ICEY (Yes spelled wrong) Team leader... is... (Y/N) (L/N)

Professor Ospin called out everyone elses team names out. Mercury and Emerald already seemed to have a previous connection, While thinking about how we could make this team work as team leader you got a responsibilty But suddenly Neo tugged on your arm, It seemed she wanted to head out and check the dorm rooms.
We made our way to the dorm rooms, I analyzed the place and the other team mates,
Mercury was on his phone looks like he was messaging someone
Cinder: I'll be there soon to meet your leader
Mercury: Got it boss
Alright.. no ones said a word i decided that i would start to unpack my things and start up a conversation but someone rudely interrupted me " names (Y/N) let's start with getting to kno—"

Someone burst into the room at that exact moment she had ash gray hair and a leather jacket, She looked powerful, Evil exactly what i wanted to find here someone with a connection to powerful people and I bet she has one. 
"Onto business.."

"I don't know who you are But your definitely not here to do good for this world. Tell me your plans and i'll spare you"

"You were right Mercury he's a good  one"
Neo walked up to me and put one finger on my mouth to shut me up.. Cinder explained why she's here...

"You will help us... *She pulls out a note handwritten from my father" This note... from your father, Told us that you would help us.. Your here to find someone with connections and where your gal"

"Alright then, I'll join you but you wont be telling me what to do ever"

Your parents had passed during an attack he watched it happen in terror.. Cinder exchanged numbers with (Y/N) and told him he can join Us I looked at Neo "this worked out better than I expected" I saw Neo blushing but she quickly looks away. Looks like i'd be getting Very acquainted with my new team.. This'll be fun

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