“Ah Princess and Speedy, finally you join us.” Tatiana scowled at him while Brandon glared. Brandon seated Tatiana before taking his seat next to her, never taking his eyes off of D, while D just smiled coldly at him.

Once everyone was seated he clapped his hand together and said, “Now that we’re all seated, let’s eat shall we.” As soon as he said that our food was served, a delicious array of beef in pomegranate sauce and a side of warm salad. The food was really good and soon I was engrossed in my meal. I noticed a woman come in like she was looking for something, then she started calling “fluffy, fluffy, where are you?” she then started looking under various tables and even under the throw rug in front of the fire place. What is up with this place and all the loonies? I heard D mutter something and I turned towards him

“Excuse me.” I asked not sure what he said or if he was even talking to me.

“I said something is off about you since we last met.” Okay, I just looked at him confusedly; while I notice Connor and Jonathan glance at Ethan. None of them giving anything away in their facial expressions.

“What have you done or where have you been since I’ve last seen you at the library yesterday?”

“I erm… went to school, then to a restaurant to eat; going home, then straight here.” I left out the bit about the pool with the waterfall, guessing it was none of his business what Ethan and I did in our private moments.

The woman that was calling for Fluffy came closer to me and was still looking. She was sort of starting to give me the creeps now. 

“Hmm…” D said still looking at me, making me a little uncomfortable, with his ever changing silver-blue mercury eyes but I turned back to my plate not really knowing what to say and carried on eating.

“Tell me, where were you before the library?”

“D is it necessary to question her like she is a suspect in a murder trial?” Ethan asked sounding slightly irritated.

“Of cause it is Ethan, you are interested in her. The first time I’ve met her she was practically on your lap and your hand was nearly up her top. I’m just looking out for you.” I noticed Tatiana, Marcus and Brandon raise their eyebrows; while Conner choked on something while Jonathan knocked his back to try and help him. I just went blood red and seemed to find my food more interesting, practically burring my head in my plate. Can this getting any more embarrassing?

“Looking out for me? Please, as if you know the meaning.” Ethan sneered and I had never heard him take that tone ever, it was kind of scary. He sounds so deadly, like someone you would never in a million years mess with.

“I know well the meaning Ethan, I took care of you, saved you from that river so long ago, or have you forgotten?”

“I remember all too well, I have regretted that day ever since.” Ethan spat out through gritted teeth.

“Regretted that I have saved you? Regretted meeting this lovely harlot because of it?” He said waving a hand towards me. I gasped, did he just call me a harlot, isn’t that like a prostitute?

Ethan stood up, the force knocking his chair to the ground, “Do not call her that?”

“What? A harlot? She was … entertaining you in a very public place and you did say you were just using her, did you not say that, because I know you were there when you said and I quote, ‘she is nothing, not even an acquaintance. I was just using her to get off.’ Is that not right little pet?” Ethan’s jaw twitched but he didn’t deny it. Did he really say all those things to his uncle about me? Did he really use me? God I needed to get out of here.

The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now