Start from the beginning

"Are you going to open it?" George asked, all three of them staring at it.

"Nope," Valentina shrugged, picking up her bag. 

"You can't just leave it, don't you know what will happen?" Fred asked.

She rolled her eyes, "Of course I know what it is."

"Then why aren't you opening it?" Fred widened his eyes at the strange girl.

"I already know what it's going to say," she said. "No doubt, Draco has already told my dear aunt and uncle about my sorting into Gryffindor. They're just upset that I could have ever been associated with such a crowd. That thing can explode and burn for all I care."

The Weasley boys were left to watch as the dark-haired girl stood up and walked away from them with such confidence it was so intimidating.

"She's something special George," Fred smiled, still looking in amazement where the girl had just walked out.

"Yes, she is Freddie." George agreed, smirking at his brother.

This was still the beginning of their time together with Valentina Lestrange and Fred was certain that she was going to like him. 

Valentina stepped through the doors, not paying any attention to where she was walking and colliding head to chest with someone. Taking a step back, she looked and realised she was staring at pretty boy, Cedric Diggory.

She couldn't deny that he was good looking. He was tall, very, very well built with chiseled features, dark hair and bright grey eyes that had many girls in Hogwarts often staring at them.

"I'm sorry," he said to her.

"Yeah, you and my mother," Valentina mumbled before walking past him. Cedric must have heard because he let out a laugh. He turned around and looked at her as she moved further and further away from him before finding the courage to call out to her. "WAIT!"

Valentina stopped and turned to find Cedric running towards her, slowing down as he got closer. She looked at him expectantly, "You're new right?" He asked. 

"Yes, I thought everyone knew that by now." 

Cedric smiled, "Well, I'm Cedric—"

"Diggory, I know," Valentina cut him off. "It seems not one person has something bad to say about you, not even my cousin. Valentina—"

"Lestrange, I know," Diggory mimicked as it was his turn to cut her off. "It seems quite a few people have many things to say about you."

"Is that so?" Valentina inquired, smirking.

"Yes, the last rumour I heard was that you blew up your old school," Cedric said.

Valentina shrugged, "At least it's true. In first year I went to Illvermorny and accidentally set one of the towers on fire." Cedric laughed for what felt like the hundredth time while talking to the dark-haired girl.

"I'll see you around, pretty boy," Valentina said, holding onto the strap of her bag. 

"Why don't I give you a tour of the grounds one day, and you can clear up more of these rumours for me?" Cedric asked.

"I won't make any promises," Valentina smirked before walking away.

       With the exception of her chat with Diggory, Valentina had been a bit disappointed with how Hogwarts was turning out, or the people she was stuck with. She was sure though that aspects of the school was a joke (much to her dismay for she hoped Draco was only lying), and that the only interesting things that had happened were, her first meeting with Trelawney. The woman had predicted that Valentina would do great things (to which she already knew) but it would do terrible too and that she possessed the gift of sight, other than that Trelawney was a joke. Draco had been turned into a ferret by Mad-Eye Moody and she was also Snape's new favourite student, even more so than Draco, which had all the Slytherins jealous. Other than that everything was very boring for her.

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