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THE NEXT DAY, VALENTINA woke up and made her way to the Great Hall. She only took one step into the large room when she heard a loud voice call out her name.

"VALENTINA! Sit here!"

She looked around to see who it was and when she laid her eyes on Fred Weasley she wanted to so desperately castrate him. She turned away from him and made sure to sit on the far end of the table, away from him. However, that was not going to work for the Weasley boy and his brother.

As soon as they saw Valentina sit somewhere else they moved from their seats to the ones either side of the young Lestrange.

"I thought I told you to go away," she scowled at them.

"Well, you're new and we thought we needed to give you a proper welcome," Fred put his arm around her. 

Valentina raised a brow,"I don't need your welcome Weasley, or anyone else's. I've been welcomed at five other schools before so I think by the sixth I can take a pass." Valentina reached for the cereal and poured a bit into her bowl.

"If you think that if you keep continuing to be nice to me and that we'll be friends in no time and share all our secrets, you're a fool. You'll have given up by the end of the week."

"Come on, Val. No need to be so pessimistic. I bet by the time we're finished with Hogwarts you'll love us so much that you just can't get enough," Fred smirked.

"Is that a challenge, Weasley?" Valentina stared at him.

"You bet," Fred winked. Valentina was about to reply when McGonagall came behind them and handed each of them their time timetables.

"You're only in fourth year?!" Fred was stunned. He was under the impression the girl was older, most likely in his year or seventh. 

"Is that an issue, Weasley?" Valentina looked at him.

"Well, no, of course not! It's just you look a lot older and I mean, a fourth year. Really?" Fred said, still in shock.

"Are you saying I look old?" Valentina said, smiling internally to herself. She knew she was getting him worked up over something many had thought the same.

"No! Of course not!" Fred exclaimed. "You look stunning. You are stunning. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I—" George let out a small cough, signalling for his brother to stop and save him from any further embarrassment.

Valentina smirked, however, it quickly disappeared when they all saw an owl fly over their heads, dropping an envelope right in front of Valentina. She took a glance at it and saw her name written on it. She realised this wasn't any old letter, it was a howler.

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