Epilogue 2

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2 months later ~ 3rd POV

Dune has already settled into the dorms and started to get used to his new life. A life not influenced by his past. One day, he was going out the library when the door hit him and he fell down. The person behind the door immediately rushes to his side and asked. "Are you all right?"

Dune stares into green eyes and he got entranced. The girl asked again. "Uh, are you all right? Did you hit your head?"

Dune shakes his head and slowly stands up with the girl's assistance. Dune blinks as the girl smiles at him. "I'm really sorry. I didn't expect someone to be behind the door."

"I-it's fine. I'll be more attentive next time." Dune offers his hand "I'm Dune Popei, freshman. You are?"

The girl accepted his hand with a smile and said. "Melli Ryli. I'm a freshman too."

"Do you want to study together?" Dune blurts out

Melli cocks her head. "Weren't you just about to head out?"

Dune laughs nervously. "Well, I was, but, you know..."

Melli giggles and nods. "Yeah, sure. I don't mind. What's your major, Dune?"

Dune follows Melli as she put her bag on a chair. "Architecture, you?"


Melli points on the shelves. "I'll get my books."

[A/N: (More) Narration here.]

Dune just nods and watches as she walks to the shelves. It was the start of their relationship. Two years after, Dune asks her to be his girlfriend. She said yes, their relationship was going smoothly until their fourth year in college. They had a fight and broke up for 6 months but got back together after. They entered the same company, three years after, Dune proposed and they were engaged. The two got married and had a child a year after.

15 years later ~ Jay's POV

"Hey, Jay. Get the mail for your uncle."

I nodded and stood up then walked outside. I didn't like to follow dad's orders but since it was for uncle Dale, I'll keep quiet. I opened the mail box and took all of the letters and closed it again. I look through the envelopes and found a bundle which looked old. The others are addressed to uncle and aunt but this one was addressed to dad. Why would they send it here when dad doesn't even live here? Did they make a mistake? I went in the dining room and said. "Dad, there's one for you."

Mom raised an eyebrow. "Let me have it, Jay."

I give aunt Mandy the other ones and gave mom dad's. Dad glanced at the envelopes and dropped his fork which made a loud noise. He immediately snatched them and looked at uncle. "Why are these still there? Why didn't you throw it out?!"

I flinched, dad doesn't usually yell. Mom pats his hand. "Now, now, let's not yell so early in the morning."

Uncle Dale sighed. "How could I throw those, Dune?"

Dad stands up and throws them in the empty trash can then walks out. Uncle sighed and aunt shook her head. He stands up and gets the envelopes. "Uncle, who wrote those?"

Uncle smiled sadly. "Your dad's first love."

Mom stands and follows dad. Uncle hands me the envelopes. "Have it. Your dad is too much of a coward and a bastard to have these."

"Dale, don't say that to his son."

Uncle shakes his head as I accepted the envelopes. "The child can decide for himself what his father is after he reads them."

Me? Read this? "Are you sure it's okay for me to read it?"

"Yeah. I'm sure, she'll be fine with it."

I'm assuming she is dad's first love. I excuse myself and went to my room then locked the door. I pulled on the string holding the envelopes and took one from the pile, To: Dune Popei, what caught my eye was, I'm truly sorry, Dune. And, I have Melanoma. Melanoma is a type of cancer, right? I got my phone and searched for Melanoma. After reading the description, I continued reading the letter.



To be continued

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