Epilogue 1

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3rd POV

Tiana blinked her eyes open and looked at her daughter's lifeless body in her arms. She sniffs and slowly got out of bed. She went to her room to shower and change then went to call the Popei's. She feels empty.

2 days later

Everyone was crying as Lilac's coffin was sealed into the stone coffin. The workers went out quickly to leave the mourners. Tiana kneeled in front and placed the lilacs she was holding in front of her daughter's plate. She said. "I love you, Lilac."

She stands up and left the mausoleum. The mausoleum was built solely for Lilac, next to it was another one and Tiana stared at it. She knew that's where she would be put when she dies and it was soon. She breathes deeply and walked out of the grounds.

Ellie and Ty laid their flowers for Lilac and said their goodbyes before going out. Mandy puts down hers and thanked Lilac. She stands beside Dale as he knelt down. He puts down the flowers and said. "I'll miss you, Lil. I hope you had told me but it's fine now. Bye. Love you."

He stands up and wiped his tears, he and Mandy comforted each other then walked out. Dune walks closer then gently puts the flowers down. "Lilac. I'm sorry for our fight. I love you. I ..." he clenched his fists "I'll keep my promise."

Dale rolled his eyes as he heard that. Dune sighs and walks out as well, leaving the mausoleum.

A month later

"Tiana, are you sure?" Ellie asked

"I am Ellie, I've already finished the transfer."

Ty shaked his head. "But Tiana-"

"No buts you two. It's final."

Tiana closed her eyes and fell off her chair. The two scrambled to her and tried to wake her up but their efforts were fruitless. Ty checked her pulse, none. He looked at his wife with sad eyes and she sobbed. He hugged her while she cried. They would take care of her funeral.

Later they found out that Tiana had breast cancer.

A week later

Dale went out to check the mailbox. They were cleaning the Vin's house since he'll be moving in it with Mandy. It was already midnight but they weren't sleepy. Their bodies are feeling tired but their mind is busy. They were still mourning but slowly moving on. He opened the mailbox and saw a bundle of envelopes, he got it out and saw it was addressed to Dune, he recognized the writing to be of Lilac's. He decided to let Dune find it later and decide for himself whether to read it or not but he hoped his brother will.

At noon, his brother did found the bundle of envelopes from Lilac. He stared at it and threw it back again inside. There were no other letters so he closed the mailbox and went back inside; the curtains shifted.

A month later

Dune arrives at his dorm, he's starting anew.



To be continued

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