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"Happy Birthday, Lilac."

My mom said as I entered the dining room. There was a sumptuous breakfast at the table and I smiled. "Thank you."

She kissed my forehead and served me food. We got back from Zurich two days ago which before that we had travelled from Osaka. We chat about our trip while we ate.

I wash the dishes after and let my mom rest. I put the last one on the shelf and went to my room. Today is my birthday, so is the Popei's twins. I plan to head there at lunch. A message notification popped on the screen of my phone.

From: :Dale╭∩╮
To: Lil/(ò.ó)┛彡┻━┻
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Come quarter to 12, k?

From: Lil/(ò.ó)┛┻━┻
To: :Dale╭∩╮

K. Happy birthday too.


I park in front of the Popei's house. I got out and went to the front door. Dale opened the door and greeted me. "Which one is mine?"

I roll my eyes and grinned then gave him the black wrapped box. "You're welcome."

He let me in. "Thanks."

"Where's Dune?"

"I'm here."

Dune appears from the kitchen. "Here. Happy birthday."

He got the white wrapped box and nodded. Dale rolled his eyes. "Are you not going to greet her?"

"It's fine, Dale."

"No, it's not, stupid."

Dune looked surprised as Dale said. "It's also her birthday, you forgot?"

Dune chuckles nervously. "Oh, right. Happy birthday, Lilac."

I smiled. "Thank you."

Dale grinned and said. "So, as planned, you stay here until 5:30 then we go out to dinner."


"Okay. We'll leave now. Thanks for the gift. We'll give you ours later."

I tilt my head a bit. "We?"

Dune turned around and Dale answered. "Well, actually mine but just consider it as ours, alright?"

I laugh and nod then went to the dining room. Ty and Ellie greeted me. "Happy Birthday, Lilac!"

I grin and hug them both. We sat and started eating. "You know, Lilac, Dune might be valedictorian." Ellie said

"That's great news! Wow, I'm happy for him."

I smiled, I really was. Ellie smiled. "I thought so too."

"Dune has a contest tomorrow, doesn't he?" I asked

Ty nodded. "Didn't you join, Lilac?"

I laughed. "I didn't have time for that, I'm part of the production staff for the play next week."

"Oh, that one where the twins is playing villains?" Ty asked


Ellie asked. "Have you chosen a university, Lilac?"

"I have, I tried Harvard and Victoria."

She hummed while Ty said. "Dune tried for Harvard too, while Dale's off to Yale."

We laughed at the rhyme. Oh, this is fun.


It was silent in the car. Dale never tries to strike up a conversation when it's our birthday. I'm a bit glad for that, it eliminates many scenarios that I know Dune will avoid. We are heading to our favorite diner, the one that we always had gone to. It's a tradition.

Maybe that's what keeps this on? This being us three in the same space without having no complaints. I cock my head and looked at the twins in front. For me, I do this out of will. I wonder, for them, are they just forced out of tradition? That pulled my heartstrings and left my heart aching.


Falling on my bed, my body feels so heavy and so does my heart. Even though the day started great, even the ending was, but I don't feel happy. I was happy a while ago yet once I stepped into my room, a weight crashed onto my shoulders.

I should write, I got up and went to get a pen and paper.

Writing; To: Dune Popei.



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