Locked In Place

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~Daren p.o.v~

    "You had one job, how did you mess it up?" asked Shaun. I roll my eyes and walk away but he followed.  "Don't walk away when I'm talking to you, what happened out there?" he added. The more he talked, the angrier I got.  "Well." he yelled as he placed a hand on my shoulder. The second I felt his hand, I quickly turned around and my fist struck his face. "What was that for?" he asked. 

"That was for Jamie, and I have a question for you, why is she your target? What did she do to you that was so bad that you want her dead? Jamie told me everything that you did to her and what you did to their friend Noah. Now I see why Jamie stopped working for you, you're nothing but a bitch who needs his ass kicked. I will no longer work for you and will make sure that you never lay a hand on Y/N or her new boyfriend ever again." I said to him. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the word "boyfriend" as if he was surprised that she has a new boyfriend. "Why do you look so surprised, did you really think she was going to listen to you when you told her that she wasn't allowed to move on after breaking up? News flash Shaun, she moved on and she's happy now so do us all a favor and leave us alone." I tell him then I walk out of his house. I make it over to my car and look back at Shaun. I hop in the car when he slams the door closed. I took off down the road in search of the closest motel when I noticed a familiar face walking along the way. It was Natalie. I pull up beside her and rolled down my window. 

"Hey Nat, need a ride?" I asked her as she turned to look at me. The look on her face told me something was wrong. "Daren, I need your help." she said to me with tears in her eyes. "What happened?" I asked. "I can't find my dog and I have a funny feeling that Shaun has to something to do with him missing." she said as she started crying. "Is your dog all white and wearing a collar similar to Jamie's and Y/Ns dogs?" I asked her. She looked at me with hope in her eyes, hoping that I knew where her dog was. "Yeah, have you seen him?" she asked. I nodded my head and she hopped in the car.  We headed back toward Shaun's house where I last saw the dog. We pull up to the house and notice that his car isn't in the driveway anymore. 

"Good, he's not home." I said as I put the car in park. She looks over at the house then at me. "Stay here and I will go get the dog. If anyone comes over to the car and tries to talk to you, don't say anything to them." I say to her. I walk up to the door and pull out my key. I unlock the door and quickly spot the dog in a cage in the living room. I let him out and follow him back to the car. I get in the car and we drive away.  "Next up, the bar." I whispered to myself. Once we make it to the bar, she unlocks the door and we walk inside. Everything after that was a blur.

~CaRtOoNz p.o.v~ 

     "Ohm, why do you look like you're getting ready to kill someone?" I asked him but he didn't answer. We soon pull into Y/Ns driveway and get out of the car. I look up at the house and my jaw drops at the sight of it. It was a beautiful white mansion with lights that traced the sidewalk and driveway. We headed inside to see what happened but immediately notice Y/N and Delirious kissing at the top of the stairs. "What just happened up there? What did we just miss?" I yelled. "You didn't miss anything, we were just starting to clean up this place." she yells down. We watch as they walk down the stairs and into her kitchen. "Who wants a drink?" she asked as she opened her fridge. She hands everyone a drink and we walk over to the dining table. Y/N sits between Ohm and Delirious, I sat across from Delirious while Kyle sat between me and Marcel. 

"Have you decided what to do with the dog you found?" Marcel asked Y/N. She got up and walked over to the basement door and puts in the code to unlock it. When she opens the door, another dog comes running out and over to Delirious. "I've decided to let Delirious keep her." Y/N said. I look over at the dog who sat beside Delirious and smiled. "What did you name it?" asked Ohm. "She already has one, just ask her new owner." she says. We look over at Delirious who seems to be having fun playing with the dogs. Y/N walks over to him and puts her hand on his shoulder. "Delirious?" she asked. He looked at her then back at the dog in front of him. "It's Myra." said Delirious. Y/N pulls out A dog collar that says "Myra" on it.

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