Chapter 12: The Creator

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Quill was driving the ship with Gamora to his side. Carol was holding onto her seat and the rest of the Guardians were preparing for battle. They knew it would be tough, blood will be spilled but they still held a pretty good chance at beating the Creator. Rocket entered the room with a scanner in his hand.

"I'm picking up a huge ass heat signature right on front of us. I think it's the celestial." Rocket said, sitting on the seat and placing the scanner down.

"Then let's kick the celestial in the ass and we could all go home." Quill smirked and looked at Carol, "So, captain. Where you from?"

"I'm a little bit of Earth and Kree. Why?" Carol asked

"I was just wondering because I'm a mix of Earth and Celestial myself. But I think the Celestial part is dead." Quill coughed when he thought of Ego.

The Creator was facing behind them and was doing something. They needed to do something to get his attention. Quill, Nova, Adam and Carol all went out to confront the Celestial. Quill was wearing his usual mask and some small jet packs on his boots.

"Hey! Dickhead! Over here!" Quill shouted but the Creator didn't even move. "Yeah, I'm talking to you big guy!"

"I think it can't hear you." Carol whispered. She went on front and shot a energy blast at the back of the Creator. It shouted in pain and looked back at them, "I'm sure as hell it has our attention."

"Who... are... you?" The Creator said as the planet behind him was being destroyed.

"We're the Guardians of the Galaxy." Nova went on front and introduced himself, "Basically we're a group who can kick ass to guys like you."

"You... have... met... your... doom!" The Creator shouted as beams came from his eyes, "Die!"

Everyone started to dodge it, even the ones inside the ship. Carol was swerving around and punching the Creator in the chest but he barely flinched. Nova and Adam were blasting it with their beams while Quill was using his blasters. It was barely moving and it clearly had the upper hand.

"Stay... away!" The Creator demanded as he swatted Adam away. Adam took it hard that he became unconscious. It took him as he ate Adam. "Feed... me... more!"

"Did he just kill Adam?!" Quill asked in disgust and started shooting him more regularly.

Carol was hit next by its gigantic hands and she also became unconscious. Only this time, Quill grabbed her and moved her. In a few seconds, she woke up and started flying again like nothing happened.

"This Celestial is a pain in the ass." Carol proclaimed as she bumped the Creator, making him stumble a bit. The ship started shooting him as well but it was doing little damage. Nova punched the Creator in the face and its hand crashed into the planet, causing it to explode.

"Nova!" Quill called as Nova looked at him, "You just destroyed a planet."

"He was feeding on it!" Nova argued as the Creator swatted him far away. The ship them flew to him to pick him up which left Carol and Quill to deal with the Creator.

"Any ideas you have in mind?" Quill asked, as Carol started thinking.

"Do you have any bombs?" Carol asked

"Yeah..." Quill reached into his bag and grabbed ten remote explosives, "will these help?"

"Attach it to its back and let me do the rest."

Carol distracted the Creator and it tried to hit her but she was too quick in moving. Quill was behind him the whole time, planting bombs which were spread out. Carol kept on punching him but she knew it was barely doing anything to him. In a few minutes, the ship returned with an awaken Nova and they joined the battle.

"Nova!" Carol shouted as she punched the Creator in the chest. "When you hear the explosions, fly up!"

Nova nodded and they continued to fight the Celestial. Quill was almost finished with the explosives until the Creator noticed and knocked him away with two explosives left in his bag. Gamora was quick to respond as she jumped out of the ship with a breather and jet pack. She grabbed Quill and pulled him away from the Creator.

"Here you are..." Quill coughed, "saving me again."

Gamora chuckled, "We're married, aren't we?"

He gave Gamora one of the charges and they flew to the Creator. She placed one of the charges in his upper body and he placed one in the lower. They were ready so Quill exploded it. Carol and Nova heard it and they flew towards the Creator's face and punched it upwards. The Creator stumbled even more and hit a moon, but it was still standing. It hit Gamora and Quill and they both got really hurt. The ship got them and made them rest. Carol and Nova were still fighting but the Creator had punched Nova while he wasn't paying attention. Carol threw Nova into the ship which gave her a battle with the Creator.

"Tell... your... Earth... that... the... Creator... is... coming." The Creator warned as it swung his fist towards Carol. She dodged it and punched it in the chest multiple times. It started to move back as it was taking too many fists. But it prevailed and grabbed Carol by her waist and placed her on front of it.

Its eyes started to light up but the ship blasted him in the eyes, making it give up Carol. Groot used his arms to reach her and drag her into the ship. Once she was in, they flew away from the Creator.

"Well..." Rocket sighed, "We got our asses kicked by it." He looked at Mantis who was taking care of the wounded, "Mantis."

"Yes? What is it, Rocket?" Mantis asked

"Can you send a message to our friends at Earth?" Rocket sadly said as he grabbed the controls, "Tell them we got beaten up."

--5 hours later--

Rocket and the other Guardians sadly walked to the laboratory in Wakanda. Gamora had a cut in her head, Quill had a dislocated rib, Nova has a strained leg but Carol was fine. When they were inside, Steve, Strange, Thor, Reed and T'Challa were standing there. No one else was there except for them. The Guardians and Carol were confused but they had a map of the universe on front of them.

"I assume you picked up our message earlier?" Rocket asked, as they nodded at him.

"While you were gone, we came up with plan B. And whether you like it or not, it's the only plan we have." Reed said, as they got worried.

"Where are the others?" Quill asked

"The others are asleep. We made it while they were sleeping because they didn't like it but we're carrying it tonight."

"What is the plan then?" Gamora asked with fear.

Steve looked at the others and knew he had to explain, "To resurrect the devil."

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