Chapter Twenty One: The Departure

Start from the beginning

Dear Audrey,

I hope you got the necklace. Sorry I couldn't return it to you personally but I figure it's better this way. Don't think the necklace isn't yours. I gave to you for a reason. I hope that serves as a reminder of our love and partnership.

I don't know why am writing to you but I just want to tell you that I care about you despite the dilemmas and fights we had along the way . I know I must've astonished you with the overwhelming feelings I come to confess to you. I want you to know that I will always be there for you despite our awkward situation.

I hope we remain friends till the very end. We can still manage to keep in touch even though we're miles apart. And if I only knew before, we could've been together for months or years but everything happens for a reason. I know one day our roads will cross.

I'm letting you go now. I hope you find the right man who will love you more than I could ever have. And if we do get another chance to rekindle the sparks, I promise to hold you in my arms and do my best to keep you happy.

I will always love you.

Till We Meet Again,
Jacob Harris.

After reading the letter, Audrey was trying to fight back her tears. She realizes that she pushed Jacob away from her and forced him to marry a woman he didn't love as much. She was the reason for his unhappiness.

"I pushed Jacob away! He loved me so much that he's marrying Alexis for me. I let go of a man that I know who will make me happy for the rest of my life and I pushed him away. Why? What did I do?" Audrey ranted to herself and put her head down.

Jessica rubbed circles around her back, comforting her. "Audrey you didn't know. Don't be too hard on yourself."

"You don't understand. I pressurized him!" she interjected.

Jessica picked up the newspaper on the table and handed it to Audrey who had her head down on the table. "Audrey, look! Jacob is moving back to London with Alexis," Jessica gasped. "And he's leaving today!"

Audrey put her head up with her mouth open wide enough for flies to come inside her mouth. "What!"

"He is leaving to London today!" Jessica emphasized.

"I have to go and stop him! Stop him from making the worst decision he will ever make in his life."

In anger, Audrey tore the newspaper into tiny, little pieces. "We have to stop him Jessica!" She stood boldly from her seat and quickly grabbed her coat and purse.

"Audrey!" Jessica called. "You're going to the airport with your pajamas?"

"Right!" Audrey said and quickly changed into proper clothes.


The car ride to the airport was filled with Alexis' anticipation. On the very day of their flight, the traffic was hectic as ever.

"Bert, isn't there any other way to the airport? Our flight is in one hour," Alexis inquired.

"Huh, sorry miss but this is the only way to the airport. And we're only fifteen minutes away. We'll get there in no time," Bert assured her.

"Okay, that better be," Alexis said. She took a quick glance at Jacob who was silent in his seat. He'd usually add to Bert's stress in driving by irritating him.

She reached for his hand and gave it a light squeeze. "You okay? You seem a bit tense," she said. "If you feel to cancel our flight, I'd be glad to."

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