Chapter Ten

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

After a while of talking and getting to know each other, we both decided to go get lunch since it was already 12:56pm.

Wow. Time really passes by quickly when you're having fun, doesn't it?

When Kyoko and I arrived at the dining hall, we were able to find Makoto and Sayaka, and sat next to them.

"Hey (y/n)." Makoto greeted me.

"Hi Makoto." I greeted right back.

"Want to eat lunch with us?" Sayaka questioned.

"Well, we are sitting next to you guys, so I think we'll let you figure that one out for yourselves." Kyoko said.

They soon caught on to what Kyoko was saying.

Kyoko's so cool!

-Byakuya's P.O.V-

During my trip to the library, I still felt a gaze fixed upon me. And I felt the same gaze on me when I headed to the dining hall for lunch. Then when I turned a corner, I waited for my stalker to catch up to me.

Turns out my stalker was a she. A timid, pathetic-looking she.

"O-Oh! I'm so s-sorry!" The girl quickly apologized.

I frowned. Her stench was positively repulsive.

"You should be sorry for your stench. It's horrible. Perhaps you should go take a bath." I suggested.

The girl was silent for a moment, before responding.

"Yes M-Master!" The girl said, before running off.

Just great. Another freak is into me.

... Just great...

-Toko's P.O.V-

There's no doubt about it... I'm in love!

He cares enough about my personal hygiene to tell me to take a bath.

.. Despite not knowing his name... I just know we're destined to be together...

Hello! Sorry for the short chapter. Anyway, I have an announcement. This story will be updated on Wednesday's from now on. The only reason it's being updated today is because I won't be able to do so this Wednesday since I'm going on a trip to look for a new house (moving in June). Though this is the only time I'll update on another day. If I miss my update for some reason, I won't make up for it unless I've missed multiple weeks. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Later! =^-^=

Worthy of His Love? (Byakuya Togami X Reader) [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now