Chapter Eight

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

After the very unpleasant breakfast with Byakuya, I was very quick to leave his presence.

I wonder... What should I do today? The first club welcoming meeting isn't until two, so... What should I do...?

Perhaps I should do some more exploring of the school? I mean, I didn't get to explore all of it yesterday?

Maybe I'll find something new and exciting...?

-Byakuya's P.O.V-

Finally. The nuisance is gone.

I must admit though that her acting skills are impressive. Acting as though she cares. I would applaud her. But I won't. Such a weak attempt to get to know me is useless. I am immune to such cheap tricks.

After I had finished my meal, I headed to the library, to see what knowledge could possibly be there.

As I was making my way down the hallways, I couldn't help but feel a gaze fixed upon me.

I looked around, but couldn't find anyone who could be the culprit.

Hm... Perhaps I was just imagining it...?

I then continued my way down the hallway.

-Toko's P.O.V-

I... I can't explain it... These feelings of attraction... I don't even know his name, but... I want him... I can't let anyone else have him!

Quickly I scurried to make sure I wouldn't lose sight of him.

... For he will be mine...

Hello everyone! Hope you're all enjoying the story. Sorry it took a while to update. Unfortunately, I'm dealing with some trouble I'd like to call 'Having too many stories ongoing and not having enough time or patience to write all of them.' Basically, I'm dealing with the stress of keeping 10 (more if you include little stories like one-shots/poetry, etc) ongoing, and not having written all of the entire story except for one (but still having to type it up on the computer). So yeah... I'm not trying to make an excuse to you readers. I'm just trying to explain my situation in hopes that you'll understand. Anyway... Enough babbling about my life. Later! =^-^=

Worthy of His Love? (Byakuya Togami X Reader) [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now