In Her Heat - Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

Before she could answer the bedroom door swung open and a half dressed Cade stared in shock at the women in his bedroom. "The hell...?"

"Shut up. I'm leaving." I growled. Refocusing my attention on the small Asian, I cocked my left eyebrow. "Mara?"

Again, she sighed in defeat. "He should be in his office or in one of the meeting rooms."

I wrapped the sheet around my body toga-like and headed for the door. Cade blocked my exit. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Where I KNOW I'm going is to see Damon and get my freaking clothes back. Now get out of my way."

"You're not going anywhere. If Damon didn't want you to leave, you're not leaving."

"And if I cared what Damon wanted I'd be back in that bed. Move."


"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Say please," he insisted.

"The only one saying please is you and soon it'll be because you're begging for mercy. Get out of my way before I have to hurt you."

For a split second, he was silent. Then he burst into laughter. His eyes closed tightly as his laughter spilled over, deep, rich and seductive. If I wasn't pissed at him laughing at me, I would have enjoyed the sound. He doubled over as he kept laughing. I growled softly, which gave way to a new wave of laughter.

Tears leaked from his eyes, he was laughing so hard.

Anger fuelled my next actions. I raised my leg up and kneed him in the balls. A strangled groan broke free from his throat as his laughter cut off abruptly.

Behind me, I could hear Mara gasp. Cade raised his head, fury and something else in his eyes - admiration, maybe? - but mostly fury. Before he could say something I slapped him clear across his face and pushed him aside and out of my way.

"Ainsley!" He growled.

I took off running. I ran out into a small living room, through a kitchen and then out a door. In the distance I could see the looming Headquarters building. I ran towards it, my hair streaming behind me. I could feel stares on the back of my neck as I willed my legs to move faster, faster.

Then I felt him. I felt Cade behind me, coming after me.

Crap, crap crap, I thought. I pushed myself harder, determined to get to Damon. I was fast, but Cade was faster. I turned my head to see how much distance was between me and him. Not much. I cursed my lack of exercise.

"Go away!" I yelled to Cade. And promptly bumped into a hard, male body. "Oomph!"

"Ainsley?" Damon asked. "What are you doing out here? You're supposed to be in your cabin."

"That's right, Damon. I'm supposed to be in MY cabin. So what the hell did I wake up in Cade's cabin?"

Damon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I guessed that was his reaction to stress. But I didn't care if I was stressing him out. Damon looked over my head, behind me. I turned to see what he saw. Cade stood there, angry as heck. A worried Mara fidgeted beside him.

"Mara," said Damon softy. "You can leave now. Thank you for watching Ainsley." Mara nodded before hurrying off.

Cade stepped up towards Damon. "She's not staying in my house." He declared.

"Yes she is. My reserve; my rules." A struggle for supremacy seemed to happen between the two. I felt as though they were having some important conversation but I was deaf.

In Her Heat - Ainsley's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now