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C H A P. f o u r

the rest of the month was just terrible.

because ever since you and your arrogant ass decided to forget about my entire existence at school, I vowed to myself to forever hate you as childish as it seemed.

but what sucked was that no matter how I tried, every single time your name blinked on the screen of my phone, all of my grudges evaporate and I play the naïve girl who've you got wrapped around your finger.

it's like you've casted a spell on me.

and it's not like I was unaware.

I knew completely what you were doing to me. yet I couldn't do anything against it.

I was compelled.

compelled by your stupid, handsome face whose soft cheeks I wish to painfully slap with such eagerness.

this is unhealthy.

it really is.

and not only was I struggling internally.
my whole life around me was just a slap in the face.

as much as I loved your cousin, she made my situation of coping with you seem like swimming against a current. one pretty damn strong current.

and it honestly made me want to dig and hole and either have me reside there for the rest of my life or push your cousin and watch her be buried alive.

that was so gruesome, I apologize.

but she drives me crazy.

she makes me drive crazy over you.

because each time I attempt to erase you from my thoughts, my mind and my life, she's always there to remind me of your inarguable perfection and ethereal-ness which is just you, jeon jungkook, itself.

I hate you with a burning passion yet I melt at your sight.

you've taken such a critical impact on my life and it's literally ruining me.

why can't you stop?

however not only was your cousin the cause of my unbearable torment.

the children of the park enterprises bosses often met up once or twice a week.

why? i truthfully have no idea.

although I was indeed grateful since those were one of the only few times I was able to spend time with myeongguk as she belonged to a different department at school.

but you know, your cousin being the way she is.

she let the beans spill:

one day all 7 seven of us sat at a table in one of the ice cream parlors we'd often go to after school.

all of us squished in a compartment made for just 4.

now, i'm not sure if you noticed but the moment everyone began seating themselves I glanced over to myeongguk who gave me the most demonic smirk i've ever witnessed.

as she had noticed you sliding into the seat next to jimin, she hastily pushed jin aside and forced myself onto you.

literally onto you.

my left leg was on top of your thigh I was pressed against your body as she joyfully sat down right next to me wearing an innocent smile.

after everyone settled down she grinned proudly before releasing that stupid remark.

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