Chater 2

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Sketchbook's POV
I woke up on the table like normal and went to go wake up tony. When I got to the living room, i saw tony. broken on the floor. His gears were all over. I cried uncontrollably, Then everything went black.

"H- huh?!" I jump up out of sleep "O- oh... it was just a dream..." I felt cold inky tears running down me face. I then went go check on tony in the living room. I found him on the couch instead of the wall. So i decided to sleep next to him.

I crawled up next to him, I then covered my eyes with my cover and went to sleep.

Tony's POV
I woke up to find myself sleeping next to Sketchbook. I was going to get up, but decided not to. She looked so adorable while sleeping... I then took her in my arms and pulled her closer.

Her small square body made me feel comfortable. It made me feel something... but i was not sure what... "T- tony...?" said a small sleepy voice I look down to meet Sketch's eyes. She looked so cute...! "O- oh... im sorry for wakeing you... anyways, why were you next to me...?

"W-well..." Here comes the excuse.. Her eyes suddenly went gray. I never had seen her eyes like that. She had no emotion on her face. "I had a dream that you were d- dead..." She said with saddness in her eyes. They then turned blue showing inky tears on her eyes.

"It's ok, sketch.. dont worry. Im here." I pulled her into a hug and she started to blush rainbow colors and her eyes tured pink. What did that mean? Cause whatever it meant, it was probably a good thing, but those gray eyes... did I upset her that much?

Sketchbook's POV
I can't let Tony know he scared me that much. He will think less of me, and he will probably hate me... I hope he didin't notice my gray eyes either....

HELLO, CUTIES! wow. im tired. I wrote two stories in one night. pls, check out my new one. ok. im rlly tired now. I gtg now guys, BAIII MY CREATIVE CUTIES!!!

Sketchbook x Tony (im kinda late for this... ŤwŤ)Where stories live. Discover now