Chapter 1

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Tony's POV
It was dark... I couldn't see anything... "Hello? Sketch...? Did you dump your mucking ink on me again?!"

Then I heard screams It sounded like Sketchbook..! I ran as fast as I could but, I was too late. Sketch was already dead. ripped and torn apart. I turn around to see someone, but I couldn't see them. All it was was just a dark figure, then all of a sudden, I woke up. I heard crashing in the kitchen.

"Oh, dear lord..." I said to myself as I walked over to the kitchen to see what it was.

Sketchbook's POV
I quietly hopped over to the closet too get my crayons and pencil. Tony told me too wake him up if I wanted my art supplies, because whenever I tried getting them I would fall over and make a mess. 'It's because you too short!' Tony says all the time to me, but today is diffrent.

I went to the closet hopped up and got my pencil. It was always the easiest to get, but the crayons were way harder to get. because of my cans of oil. But today, im gonna get my stuff without the help of Tony..! I hop up to get my crayons, and accidently knocked over the cans of oil.

"Uuah!" cans of oil splashed all over me.

Tony is going to be sooo... upset!! I heard footseteps coming. "Sketch?! did you knock over those cans of oil again?! He came in with a vary upset look on his face.

"Eh hehe... It's not what it looks like...?" Tony gives me a angry look on his face as if he were about to throw me into the fire place. Im so dead!!!

Tony's POV
Sketchbook is dead meat! "Sketchbook! How many times do I have too tell you that I will help you get your stuff down?!" I say with a vary harsh tone in my voice. For some reason, I started to regret talking to her like that... wait! What am I thinking?! How could I regret doing something to such a carefree girl?!

"W- well... I wanted to color... and you were sleeping so I decided to get it myself..!" She said in a nervous voice. "Fine... your right... I was sleeping. But you could've just woke me up and asked! I dont mind!"

Sketchbook sighed and looked up at me with a sad look in her eyes. Her eyes went from rainbow, too blue. Her eyes change color on what she is feeling. "I'm sorry... let me get the mop..." She looked down and hoped over to the mop and tried pulling it out of the closet. I went over to her and got the mop out for her.

"Here you go!" I said in a upset tone. But this time, not as harsh. She took it, and started moping up the ink. Today has already been a looooong day.

HELLO, MAH CREATIVE FRIENDS!!! Now too think of it, sketchbook may really like my user name! x3 Anyways, My neck is killing me. And I have been writing for a while. I hope you like this chapter guys! bai cuties~!

Sketchbook x Tony (im kinda late for this... ŤwŤ)Where stories live. Discover now